Sprint 122

Sprint 122

All our SaaS products have been updated with the releases associated to this Sprint 122:

  • Chouette has been updated on Feb 2, 2025

  • Ara has been updated on Jan 28, 2025

  • Chouette Valid has been updated on Feb 6, 2025


Control Stop Area transport mode when used in Route

The user can ensure that Stop Areas used into controlled Routes have a Transport Mode compatible with the Route Line :

Control Stop Area Transport mode

Stop Areas and Lines without transport modes are ignored.

Export Fare Zones in Netex

The user can export Fare Zones are NeTex FareZone resources:

<FareZone id="sample"> <Name>Metrovoyager</Name> <projections> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0051781"/> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0051781"/> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0051796"/> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0026789"/> </projections> </FareZone>

Improve search by line on vehicle journey service count

Line filter for service counts search has been improved and displays more information :


A user can more easily distinguish lines with similar attributes.

Manage Booking Arrangements

As part of our Feature Plan - Flexible Transport Service v1, the user can manage Booking Arrangements:

Edit a Booking Arrangement

A Booking Arrangement is defined with:

  • a Name

  • a Contact information with

    • a Phone Number

    • a URL

  • one or several Booking Methods (in Call Driver, Call Office, Online, Phone At Stop, Text Message/SMS, Mobile App, At Office, Other)

  • a Booking Access (in Public, Authorized Public, Staff, Other)

  • a Minimum Booking Period

  • a Book When (in Until Previous Day, Day Of Travel Only, Advance And Day Of Travel, Time Of Travel Only)

  • a Latest Booking Time

  • a Buy When (in On Reservation, Before Boarding, On Boarding, After Boarding, On CheckOut)

  • a Booking URL

  • a Booking Notes

  • a Line Provider

  • and Codes

The user can see all the Booking Arrangements defined in the Workgroup by only modify or create Booking Arrangements associated with one of the Providers of the current Workbench.

Import GTFS service identifier as Timetable code

When a GTFS Service is imported as Chouette Timetable, a code is associated inside the selected code space with the GTFS Service service_id value :

Import GTFS and select a code space external
Chouette TimeTable has a code for each Service inside Codespace external

Display option "Ignore extended route type" in publication/export show page

We add “Ignore extended route type” in publication and export to remember which settings are used :

Add “Ignore extended route type” in publication and export


Dependencies upgrade

In accordance with our continuous upgrade policy and to prepare next features, the Ara technical dependencies have been upgraded. For example, the Ara user interface uses now Ruby on Rails 8.

Chouette Valid

Valid only schema by using none ruleset

The user can start a Validation by using the ruleset none. In this case, no rule will be validated on the submitted file.

With this ruleset, the user can only valid the file schema (like the NeTEx XML Schema Definition):

secretary-cli create validation --ruleset="none" --include-schema /path/to/netex.zip

NeTEx XML Schema Definition upgrades

Chouette Valid uses the latest NeTEX XML Schema Definitions provided by https://github.com/NeTEx-CEN/NeTEx/.

The user can valid file schemas with the latest versions of master and next NeTEX XSDs:

secretary-cli create validation --ruleset="french" --include-schema --schema-version="master" /path/to/netex.zip secretary-cli create validation --ruleset="french" --include-schema --schema-version="next" /path/to/netex.zip

Better support for invalid files

When the user creates a Validation with an invalid file, Chouette Valid tries to report the situation as a validation message (like an empty XML file).

We improved the support of invalid ZIP files (where the XML entries are unreadable).

Better support for long NeTEx XSD validations

The Chouette Valid technical components have been improved to avoid failures in Validations, which requires long NeTEx XSD validations.



The user documentation has been improved, especially on these points:

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