Sprint 46

Sprint 46

All our products have been updated on Sep 4, 2020 with the releases associated to the Sprint 45 and this Sprint 46.



Complete Line model in GraphQL API

The user can request all these Line attributes in the GraphQL API:

{ line(objectid: "chouette:Line:9d8376eb-ec78-4f11-a1f3-1c6a736c59f5:LOC") { objectid name registrationNumber number publishedName transportMode transportSubmode comment url color textColor deactivated activeFrom activeUntil seasonal network { objectid name } company { objectid name } secondaryCompanies { nodes { objectid name } } createdAt updatedAt } }

Response example:

{ "objectid": "chouette:Line:9d8376eb-ec78-4f11-a1f3-1c6a736c59f5:LOC", "name": "Spécifique 96", "number": "96", "registrationNumber": "96", "publishedName": "Spécifique 96", "transportMode": "bus", "transportSubmode": "undefined", "registrationNumber": "96", "comment": null, "url": null, "color": "7C982E", "textColor": "FFFFFF", "deactivated": false, "activeFrom": null, "activeUntil": null, "seasonal": false, "network": { "objectid":"chouette:Network:7916b9e2-d300-11ea-8c97-54ee75b262a0:LOC", "name":"TBM" } "company": { "objectid":"chouette:Company:e7340451-bdad-4624-b4f7-d2b44e621710:LOC", "name":"TBM" }, "secondaryCompanies": { "nodes": [] } "createdAt": "2020-06-11T13:02:33.336+02:00", "updatedAt": "2020-06-11T13:02:33.336+02:00" }

These new Line attributes in the GraphQL API are described into the Chouette API GraphQL documentation.

Complete StopArea model in GraphQL API

The user can request all these StopArea attributes in the GraphQL API.

Especially the links with other Stop Areas as:

  • referent

  • parent

  • children

{ stop_area(objectid: "chouette:StopArea:9d8376eb-ec78-4f11-a1f3-1c6a736c59f5:LOC") { objectid name localizedNames areaType registrationNumber longitude latitude country streetName zipCode cityName postalRegion url timeZone waitingTime kind comment status confirmedAt deletedAt isReferent referent { name objectid } parent { name objectid } children { nodes { objectid } } lines { nodes { objectid name } } created_at updated_at } }

Response example:

{ "objectid": "chouette:StopArea:1ac7363e-290d-4422-b944-a8f804c2bf17:LOC", "name": "Furnace Creek Resort (Demo)", "localizedNames": {}, "areaType": "zdep", "registrationNumber": "FUR_CREEK_RES", "longitude": -117.133162, "latitude": 36.425288, "country": null, "street_name": null, "zipCode": null, "cityName": null, "url": null, "postalRegion": null, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles", "waitingTime": 5, "kind": "commercial", "comment": null, "status": "confirmed", "confirmedAt": "2020-01-22T09:18:04.153+01:00", "deletedAt": null, "isReferent": false, "referent": { "objectid": "chouette:StopArea:f7155056-c82c-453b-84e1-b55e29dd7dd6:LOC" } "parent": { "objectid": "chouette:StopArea:5a39a252-f66c-4a5c-8863-c1e7584bd35a:LOC" } children { "nodes": [] } "createdAt": "2020-01-22T09:18:04.162+01:00", "updatedAt": "2020-02-21T11:19:41.071+01:00", }

These new Stop Area attributes in the GraphQL API are described into the Chouette API GraphQL documentation.

Request by code in GraphQL API

The user can retrieve a Stop Area or a Line by code (currently named registration number) in the GraphQL API:

{ stop_area(registrationNumber: "FUR_CREEK_RES") { name # ... } }
{ line(registrationNumber: "96") { name # ... } }

This code is used, especially, in the GTFS or Neptune imports the “native” identifier. This code is used too in the exports.

User manual

As for each Sprint, the Chouette User Manual ( French version) has been updated to describe the latest Chouette features:

Chouette User Manual



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