Sprint 102

Sprint 102

All our products have been updated on Dec 10, 2023 with the releases associated to this Sprint 102.



Manage Fare Zones

The user can manage Fare Zones and associate them the related Stop Areas:

For the moment, this information can be imported and exported using GTFS Fare v1. GTFS Fare v2 and NeTEx will be available in future releases.

Aggregate performance improvement

Chouette users have noticed that aggregate processing time is now 2 to 5 times faster. We have completely reworked this major component in the user process. After several months of work, this improvement is now available for all Chouette users.

This rework includes the Service Count computation algorithm and users with very large datasets will notice improvements on their merges processing time too.

Publish for a given static period

The user can setup a Publication or an Export to include a static period of the export DataSet:

As other Publications or Exports period settings, this static period can be used with GTFS and NeTEx formats.

Accessibility Attributes

A new user guide Gestion des attributs d’accessibilité avec Chouettedescribes how accessibility attributes can be managed with Chouette:


Broadcast using SIRI Situation Exchange requests

The user can setup a SIRI Situation Exchange Request broadcaster in a Partner to respond to this SIRI Service request:

For the moment, Ara returns all available Situations. The SIRI Situation Exchange response looks like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'> <S:Body> <sw:GetSituationExchangeResponse xmlns:sw='http://wsdl.siri.org.uk' xmlns:siri='http://www.siri.org.uk/siri'> <ServiceDeliveryInfo> <siri:ResponseTimestamp>2023-12-05T12:00:00.000Z</siri:ResponseTimestamp> <siri:ProducerRef>Ara</siri:ProducerRef> <siri:ResponseMessageIdentifier>6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-6-00c04fd430c8</siri:ResponseMessageIdentifier> <siri:RequestMessageRef>33170d7c-35e3-11ee-8a32-7f95f59ec38f</siri:RequestMessageRef> </ServiceDeliveryInfo> <Answer> <siri:SituationExchangeDelivery> <siri:ResponseTimestamp>2023-12-05T12:00:00.000Z</siri:ResponseTimestamp> <siri:RequestMessageRef>33170d7c-35e3-11ee-8a32-7f95f59ec38f</siri:RequestMessageRef> <siri:Status>true</siri:Status> <siri:Situations> <siri:PtSituationElement> <siri:CreationTime>2023-12-05T12:00:00.000Z</siri:CreationTime> <siri:SituationNumber>89135</siri:SituationNumber> <siri:Version>13</siri:Version> <siri:Source> <siri:SourceType>directReport</siri:SourceType> </siri:Source> <siri:ValidityPeriod> <siri:StartTime>2023-12-05T12:00:00.000Z</siri:StartTime> <siri:EndTime>2023-12-05T18:00:00.000Z</siri:EndTime> </siri:ValidityPeriod> <siri:UndefinedReason/> <siri:ReportType>general</siri:ReportType> <siri:Keywords>Commercial</siri:Keywords> <siri:Description>New Stop Léon Blum for Line A</siri:Description> <siri:Affects> <siri:Networks> <siri:AffectedNetwork> <siri:AffectedLine> <siri:LineRef>A</siri:LineRef> </siri:AffectedLine> </siri:AffectedNetwork> </siri:Networks> </siri:Affects> </siri:PtSituationElement> </siri:Situations> </siri:SituationExchangeDelivery> </Answer> <AnswerExtension/> </sw:GetSituationExchangeResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>

Collect Situations with SIRI General Message

When the user uses a SIRI General Message collector/broadcast, Ara uses now a mapping to store the General Message as a Situation: Mapping between Situation and General Message "France"

The mapping is based on the one defined by https://normes.transport.data.gouv.fr/normes/siri/profil-france/#cas-de-la-compatibilit%C3%A9-avec-le-service-general-message-du-profil-siri-ile-de-france, but some improvements were required.

Improve General Message exchange search

The user can find SIRI General Message exchanges by searching by Line and/or StopArea:

Perform SIRI requests to Ara with application/xml

The user can send SIRI requests to Ara SIRI server by using application/xml Content Type (even if we are recommending the text/xml Content Type).


GTFS Stop coordinates are converted in NeTEx StopPlace/Quay

An issue prevented GTFS stop coordinates from being converted into NeTEx Location.

<StopPlace id="1" version="any"> <Name>CYLBURN &amp; GREENSPRING f/s wb</Name> <Centroid version="any"> <Location> <Longitude>-76.660188</Longitude> <Latitude>39.35082</Latitude> </Location> </Centroid> </StopPlace>


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