Feature Plan - Flexible Transport Service v1
Chouette SaaS will provide the first features to support Flexible Transport Service description in the coming Sprints.
Here is a preview of these features:
Booking Arrangements & Flexible Line
The user can manage Booking Arrangements which describes the booking rules of associated Flexible Services.
The user can associate a Line with a Booking Arrangements:
NeTEx Import/Export
The user can import and export a Line and its Booking Arrangement via a NeTex Line and a standalone :
<Line id="line-1" version="any">
<Name>Line Sample</Name>
<BookingArrangementRef ref="standard"/>
<BookingArrangement version="any" id="standard">
<Phone>+33 1 23 45 67 89</Phone>
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This NeTEx syntax is possible by using the coming NeTEx release. See https://github.com/NeTEx-CEN/NeTEx for more details.
GTFS Import/Export
The user can import/export Booking Arrangements via GTFS Booking Rules.
In this first version, the GTFS import supports GTFS Trips with the same Booking Rules for a given GTFS Route.
See https://gtfs.org/documentation/schedule/reference/#booking_rulestxt
Flexible Stop Area
The user can define one or several Flexible Areas into a Stop Area:
The user can associate one or several Stop Areas.
NeTEx import/export
The user can import and export a Stop Area and its Flexible Areas via a NeTex FlexibleStopPlace:
<FlexibleStopPlace id='zone-tad-1' version="any">
<Name>FTS Zone 1</Name>
<!-- Other standard attributes --<
<FlexibleArea version="any" id="zone-tad-1-area">
<QuayRef ref="quay-1" version="any"/>
<QuayRef ref="quay-2" version="any"/>
GTFS import/export
The user can import and export Stop Area and its Flexible Areas via a GTFS Location Group.
See https://gtfs.org/documentation/schedule/reference/#location_groupstxt
Flexible Stop Point
The user can define a Route with a Flexible Stop Point. In this case:
the user can associate a Stop Area with a Flexible Area
NeTEx import/export
The user can import Route/Journey Pattern including Flexible Stop Points via NeTEx ServiceJourneyPatterns and FlexibleStopAssignments:
<ServiceJourneyPattern id="journeypattern-1" version="any">
<Name>Journey Pattern Sample</Name>
<RouteRef ref="route-1"/>
<!-- Normal Stop Point -->
<StopPointInJourneyPattern id="stop-point-in-journey-pattern-1" order="1" version="any">
<ScheduledStopPointRef ref="scheduled-stop-point-1" version="any"/>
<!-- Flexible Stop Point -->
<StopPointInJourneyPattern id="stop-point-in-journey-pattern-2" order="2" version="any">
<ScheduledStopPointRef ref="scheduled-stop-point-zone-tad-1" version="any"/>
<ScheduledStopPoint id="scheduled-stop-point-zone-tad-1" version="any"/>
<FlexibleStopAssignment id="flexible-stop-assignment-1" order="1" version="any">
<ScheduledStopPointRef ref="scheduled-stop-point-zone-tad-1" version="any"/>
<FlexibleStopPlaceRef ref="zone-tad-1" version="any"/>
GTFS Import/Export
The GTFS format doesn’t support Route / Journey Pattern concepts. Chouette SaaS import/export manage them implicitely via GTFS Trips.
Flexible Passing Time
When associated to a Flexible Stop Point, the user can define a time window in place of the classic departure/arrival time.
NeTEx import/export
The user can import/export Vehicle Journeys with flexible Stop Points and associated time windows via NeTEx Service Journeys and LatestArrivalTime
<ServiceJourney version="15" id="SKY:ServiceJourney:5979d025-1d5d-45a8-a9ec-b1af9ca0fa34">
<Name>Service Journey Sample</Name>
<DayTypeRef ref="daytype-1"/>
<JourneyPatternRef ref="journeypattern-1" version="any"/>
<TimetabledPassingTime version="any" id="1">
<StopPointInJourneyPatternRef ref="" version="13"/>
<TimetabledPassingTime version="any" id="2">
<StopPointInJourneyPatternRef ref="scheduled-stop-point-zone-tad-1" version="any"/>
GTFS Import/Export
The user can import and export GTFS Trips with Flex attributes:
See https://gtfs.org/documentation/schedule/reference/#stop_timestxt