Sprint 47
All our products have been updated on Sep 25, 2020 with the releases associated to this Sprint 47.
Service statistics in GraphQL API
The user can retrieve:
per day Vehicle Journeys count “Service counts” for a date range for Line(s)
total Vehicle Journeys count “Service count” for a date range for Line(s)
Example 1: Retrieve daily statistics
lines {
nodes {
serviceCounts(from: "2021-01-01", to: "2021-01-31") {
"data": {
"lines": {
"nodes": [
"objectid": "chouette:Line:d1b1f581-8b68-456c-8de8-714c142a8ec9:LOC",
"serviceCounts": {
"nodes": [
date: "2021-01-01",
count: 17,
date: "2021-01-02",
count: 33,
date: "2021-01-31",
count: 35,
"objectid": "chouette:Line:d1b1f581-8b68-456c-8de8-714c142a8ec9:LOC",
"serviceCounts": {
"nodes": [
date: "2021-01-01",
count: 67,
Example 2: Retrieve total count
lines {
nodes {
serviceCount(from: "2021-01-01", to: "2021-01-31")
"data": {
"lines": {
"nodes": [
"objectid": "chouette:Line:d1b1f581-8b68-456c-8de8-714c142a8ec9:LOC",
"serviceCount": 456
"objectid": "chouette:Line:d1b1f581-8b68-456c-8de8-714c142a8ec9:LOC",
"serviceCount": 983
Import GTFS Trip without initial day offset
The GTFS format allows to define a GTFS Trip where all passing times are delayed from one or more days.
To avoid misunderstanding, Chouette created the resulted Vehicle Journey without the initial day offset and a dedicated crafted timetable:
A GTFS trip with the following stop times:
with a calendar on saturday/sunday:
is imported by Chouette with a dedicated timetable:
Performance improvements
We’re monitoring and improving constantly the Chouette operation performances. This release provides improvements especially on referential creation and reduce drastically the database table usage.
Security updates
Chouette dependencies are constantly analyzed to find and resolve possible security issues. These libraries have been updated in this new release :
Custom formats for identifiers in GTFS-RT feed
The user can customize the GTFS connectors to format Stop Area, Line and Vehicle Journey identifiers via generators.reference_identifier
and generators.reference_stop_area_identifier
generators.reference_identifier = MyNetwork:%{type}::%{objectid}:LOC
generators.reference_stop_area_identifier = MyNetwork:StopPoint:Q:%{objectid}:LOC
Without rewriting:
"header": {
"gtfs_realtime_version": "2.0",
"incrementality": 0,
"timestamp": 1600697389
"entity": [
"id": "trip:268438583",
"trip_update": {
"trip": {
"trip_id": "268438583",
"route_id": "B",
"start_time": "17:20:05"
"stop_time_update": [
"stop_sequence": 3,
"stop_id": "TMLKIN2",
"arrival": {
"time": 1600701595
"departure": {
"time": 1600701605
With rewriting:
"header": {
"gtfs_realtime_version": "2.0",
"incrementality": 0,
"timestamp": 1600697641
"entity": [
"id": "trip:268435951",
"trip_update": {
"trip": {
"trip_id": "MyNetwork:VehicleJourney::268435951:LOC",
"route_id": "MyNetwork:Line::15:LOC",
"start_time": "16:10:48"
"stop_time_update": [
"stop_sequence": 18,
"stop_id": "MyNetwork:StopPoint:Q:00009201:LOC",
"arrival": {
"time": 1600697448
"departure": {
"time": 1600697448
"stop_sequence": 19,
"stop_id": "MyNetwork:StopPoint:Q:00033601:LOC",
"arrival": {
"time": 1600697513
"departure": {
"time": 1600697513
"stop_sequence": 20,
"stop_id": "MyNetwork:StopPoint:Q:00043001:LOC",
"arrival": {
"time": 1600697571
"departure": {
"time": 1600697571
Define a substitution to insert objectid in a generator identifier
The user can define a generator identifier where the objectid
value is modified by a given substitution.
The syntax to define a such substitution is: %{objectid//pattern/replacement}
generator identifier:
objectid value:
resulted identifier:
Include Direction Name in VehicleMonitoring SIRI Lite response
When the Direction Name is defined in the Vehicle Journey associated to the Vehicle, the VehicleMonitoring SIRI Lite response contains the DirectionName
"Siri": {
"ServiceDelivery": {
"ResponseTimestamp": "2017-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"ProducerRef": "Ara",
"ResponseMessageIdentifier": "MyNetwork:ResponseMessage::6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-5-00c04fd430c8:LOC",
"RequestMessageRef": "Test:1234::LOC",
"VehicleMonitoringDelivery": {
"Version": "2.0:FR-IDF-2.4",
"ResponseTimestamp": "2017-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"RequestMessageRef": "Test:1234::LOC",
"Status": true,
"VehicleActivity": [{
"RecordedAtTime": "2017-01-01T13:00:00Z",
"ValidUntilTime": "2017-01-01T13:00:00Z",
"VehicleMonitoringRef": "Test:Vehicle:201123:LOC",
"MonitoredVehicleJourney": {
"LineRef": "Test:Line:3:LOC",
"FramedVehicleJourneyRef": {
"DataFrameRef": "MyNetwork:DataFrame::2017-01-01:LOC",
"DatedVehicleJourneyRef": "Test:VehicleJourney:201:LOC"
"PublishedLineName": "Ligne 3 Metro",
"DirectionName": "Direction Name",
"Monitored": true,
"Bearing": 123,
"VehicleLocation": {
"Longitude": 1.234,
"Latitude": 5.678