Sprint 104

Sprint 104

All our products have been updated on Jan 21, 2024 with the releases associated to this Sprint 104.



Create Timetables from NeTEx UicOperatingPeriods

The NeTEx import can create a Chouette TimeTable when the NeTEx resources included a UicOperatingPeriod.

<DayType id="daytype-1"/> <DayTypeAssignment id="assigment-1"> <OperatingPeriodRef ref="period-1"/> <DayTypeRef ref="daytype-1"/> </DayTypeAssignment> <UicOperatingPeriod id="period-1"> <FromDate>2023-07-03T00:00:00</FromDate> <ValidDayBits>1101101110110111101011101101</ValidDayBits> </UicOperatingPeriod>

The imported NeTEx file can mix both OperatingPeriod and UicOperatingPeriod resources into the same DayType. The NeTEx import will compute a Chouette TimeTable to describe this information.

Define Line accessibility limitations

The user can describe the Line accessibility attributes:

  • Access for mobility impaired users / Accès pour voyageur à mobilité réduite

  • Wheelchair Access / Accès en fauteuil roulant

  • Step Free Access / Accès sans marche

  • Lift Free Access / Accès sans ascenseur

  • Escalator Free Access / Accès sans escalator

  • Visual Signs Available / Signalétique visuelle disponible

  • Audible Signals Available / Signalétique auditive disponible

Whether the overall assessment is that there is access for mobility impaired users.

Line Accessibility limitations

Import/export Line NeTEx AccessibilityAssessment

The user can import a Line with NeTEx AccessibilityAssessment like:

<Line id="sample"> <Name>Line Sample</Name> <AccessibilityAssessment> <validityConditions> <ValidityCondition> <Description>Description Sample</Description> </ValidityCondition> </validityConditions> <MobilityImpairedAccess>true</MobilityImpairedAccess> <limitations> <AccessibilityLimitation> <WheelchairAccess>true</WheelchairAccess> <StepFreeAccess>false</StepFreeAccess> <EscalatorFreeAccess>true</EscalatorFreeAccess> <LiftFreeAccess>partial</LiftFreeAccess> <AudibleSignalsAvailable>partial</AudibleSignalsAvailable> <VisualSignsAvailable>true</VisualSignsAvailable> </AccessibilityLimitation> </limitations> </AccessibilityAssessment> </Line>

The Line will be exported with the same NeTEx attributes.

Export accessible Lines with dedicated GTFS Trip wheelchair_accessible

When the user defines a Line with “Access for mobility impaired users” attribute, the associated GTFS Trips should be exported with the wheelchair_accessible defined according to this Line attribute:

When the Line “Access for mobility impaired users” is:

  • unknown, wheelchair_accessible is 0 (No accessibility information for the trip)

  • yes, wheelchair_accessible is 1 (Vehicle being used on this particular trip can accommodate at least one rider in a wheelchair)

  • no, wheelchair_accessible is 2 (No riders in wheelchairs can be accommodated on this trip)

Retrieve Route Direction Name and Direction via GraphQL request

The user can request the Chouette GraphQL by including Route Direction name (publishedName) and Direction (wayback):

{ lines { nodes { objectid name routes { nodes { name publishedName wayback } } } } }

The JSON response looks like:

{ "data": { "lines": { "nodes": [ { "name": "600S", "routes": { "nodes": [ { "name": "Tune Center", "publishedName": "Tune Center", "wayback": "inbound" }, { "name": "Risø", "publishedName": "Risø", "wayback": "inbound" }, { "name": "Hillerød St.", "publishedName": "Hillerød St.", "wayback": "inbound" }, { "name": "Hundige St.", "publishedName": "Hundige St.", "wayback": "inbound" }, { "name": "Slangerup Rutebilstation", "publishedName": "Slangerup Rutebilstation", "wayback": "inbound" } ...

Fixed syntax for NeTEx VehicleJourneyStopAssignment

When the user defines a specific Stop Area in Vehicle Journeys (like specifying the Station Quay for Vehicle Journeys when the Journey Pattern is only associated to the Station Stop Place), the expected XML syntax is now used by the NeTEx export:

<VehicleJourneyStopAssignment id="SNCF:VehicleJourneyStopAssignment:115583-C02529-f6d42c28-f9ac-42a3-9a19-b5d4ea1943af-8:LOC" dataSourceRef="SNCF" version="any"> <ScheduledStopPointRef ref="SNCF:ScheduledStopPoint:115517-C02529-04d5a494-7ebb-30eb-a35a-67d97b00abb3-1608-9:LOC" version="any"/> <QuayRef ref="FR::Quay:50120954:FR1">version="any"</QuayRef> <StopPlaceRef ref="FR::Quay:50120954:FR1">version="any"</StopPlaceRef> <VehicleJourneyRef ref="SNCF:ServiceJourney:115583-C02529-f6d42c28-f9ac-42a3-9a19-b5d4ea1943af:LOC" version="any"/> <VehicleJourneyRef ref="SNCF:ServiceJourney:115583-C08911-f6d42c28-f9ac-42a3-9a19-b5d4ea1943af:LOC" version="any"/> </VehicleJourneyStopAssignment>


Object IDs are now Codes

Ara now uses the term Code (and Code Space) instead of ObjectID and ObjectID kind to specify how realtime models are identified.

Ara Partner with remote_code_space setting

Ara and Chouette are now using the same terms in their Code Management features.

Support additional attributes in Situations

The Ara Situations can support the following optional attributes:

  • ParticipantRef: a free string value

  • VersionedAtTime : a time

  • Progress: a value in draft/pendingApproval/approvedDraft/open/published/closing/closed

  • PublicationWindow : a time range

  • AlertCause

  • Severity a value into noImpact/verySlight/slight/normal/severe/verySevere

<siri:PtSituationElement> <siri:CreationTime>2023-09-18T05:30:59.042Z</siri:CreationTime> <siri:ParticipantRef>535</siri:ParticipantRef> <siri:SituationNumber>5339695f-fdb5-453a-b05d-0f6adafff05a</siri:SituationNumber> <siri:Source> <siri:SourceType>directReport</siri:SourceType> </siri:Source> <siri:VersionedAtTime>2023-09-18T05:56:43.000Z</siri:VersionedAtTime> <siri:Progress>published</siri:Progress> <siri:ValidityPeriod> <siri:StartTime>2023-09-18T05:30:59.000Z</siri:StartTime> </siri:ValidityPeriod> <siri:PublicationWindow> <siri:StartTime>2023-09-18T05:30:59.000Z</siri:StartTime> <siri:EndTime>2023-09-18T18:30:00.000Z</siri:EndTime> </siri:PublicationWindow> <siri:AlertCause>maintenanceWork</siri:AlertCause> <siri:Severity>slight</siri:Severity> <!-- ... --> </siri:PtSituationElement>

Supports Situation Consequences

An Ara Situation can contain none, one or several Consequences:

</siri:PtSituationElement> <!-- ... --> <siri:Summary xml:lang="fr">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</siri:Summary> <siri:Description xml:lang="fr">Nunc suscipit auctor vestibulum. Proin a efficitur sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi enim neque, cursus non leo in, placerat rhoncus ligula. Phasellus nulla justo, vehicula lobortis tempus lobortis, consectetur id ligula.</siri:Description> <siri:Affects> <!-- ... --> </siri:Affects> <siri:Consequences> <siri:Consequence> <siri:Period> <siri:StartTime>2023-09-18T05:30:59.000Z</siri:StartTime> <siri:EndTime>2023-09-18T08:00:54.000Z</siri:EndTime> </siri:Period> <siri:Severity>slight</siri:Severity> <siri:Affects> <siri:Networks> <siri:AffectedNetwork> <siri:AffectedLine> <siri:LineRef>STIF:Line::C00673:</siri:LineRef> <siri:PublishedLineName xml:lang="fr">103</siri:PublishedLineName> </siri:AffectedLine> </siri:AffectedNetwork> </siri:Networks> </siri:Affects> <siri:Blocking> <siri:JourneyPlanner>false</siri:JourneyPlanner> <siri:RealTime>false</siri:RealTime> </siri:Blocking> </siri:Consequence> </siri:Consequences> </siri:PtSituationElement>

In this first version, the Ara Consequence supports:

  • Period: a time range

  • Severity: same enumeration than Situation severity

  • one or several Affects (with the same features than Situation Affects)

  • Blocking attributes

    • JourneyPlanner: boolean

    • RealTime: boolean

For the moment, all attributes are optional. But empty Consequences can be ignored.

Supports more Affects content

Ara can support Affects (in Situation, in Consequence, etc) with these structures:

AffectedLine with AffectedStopPoints via anonymous Route

<siri:Affects> <siri:Networks> <siri:AffectedNetwork> <siri:AffectedLine> <siri:LineRef>STIF:Line::C00673:</siri:LineRef> <siri:Routes> <siri:AffectedRoute> <siri:StopPoints> <siri:AffectedOnly>true</siri:AffectedOnly> <!-- optionnal (false by default) --> <siri:AffectedStopPoint> <siri:StopPointRef>STIF:StopPoint:Q:3534:</siri:StopPointRef> </siri:AffectedStopPoint> <siri:AffectedStopPoint> <siri:StopPointRef>STIF:StopPoint:Q:3533:</siri:StopPointRef> </siri:AffectedStopPoint> </siri:StopPoints> </siri:AffectedRoute> </siri:Routes> </siri:AffectedLine> </siri:AffectedNetwork> </siri:Networks> </siri:Affects>

AffectedStopPoints with associated Lines

<siri:Affects> <siri:StopPoints> <siri:AffectedStopPoint> <siri:StopPointRef>STIF:StopPoint:Q:3534:</siri:StopPointRef> <siri:StopPointName xml:lang="fr">La Poitevine</siri:StopPointName> <siri:Lines> <siri:AffectedLine> <siri:LineRef>STIF:Line::C00673:</siri:LineRef> </siri:AffectedLine> <siri:AffectedLine> <siri:LineRef>STIF:Line::C00142:</siri:LineRef> </siri:AffectedLine> </siri:Lines> </siri:AffectedStopPoint> </siri:StopPoints> </siri:Affects>


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