Sprint 65

Sprint 65

All our products have been updated on Oct 8, 2021 with the releases associated to this Sprint 65.



Vehicle Journey search available for all users

All Chouette users have now access to the Vehicle Journey search interface. This feature is no longer optional.

The user can search vehicle journeys into the selected dataset (a workbench dataset, a merged dataset or an aggregated dataset) by:

  • a Vehicle Journey name or identifier

  • a Company

  • a Line

  • a published name

  • a Stop Area or an origin and destination Stop Areas

  • a circulation period

Improve selections in Vehicle Journey editor

When editing all vehicle journeys of a given route, the user can select in particular vehicle journeys by:

  • a given Vehicle Journey id or name

  • a Journey Pattern id or name

  • a Timetable

The user interface has been improved for these 3 selections:

Refactor export search user interface

The user can search exports into a Workbench or a Workgroup by selecting:

  • a part of the name

  • the operation status

  • the date period (after a given date, before a date, between two dates)

The export search interface has been refactored to use the new search framework under roll out and matches the same user experience than import search interface for example.

GTFS Import & Export improvements

Avoid empty GTFS platform code in export: when a Stop Area is exported in a GTFS file which an empty Public Code, Chouette ensures the GTFS stops.txt file doesn’t contain an empty (““) stop_platform_code. As other GTFS attributes, no stop_platform_code column is present in the CSV file if no value is defined.

Ignore empty GTFS stop code in import: when the user imports a GTFS file with empty (““) stop_code, the Stop Area is created/updated without an associated code.

Bug fixes

Line notice name display: The user can select line notices without problem in the name display:

Select a stop area provider in the Workgroup: the user can select Stop Areas according to the associated Stop Area Provider. In Workgroups with several workbenches, the Stop Area Provider selection now includes all Stop Area Providers defined in the Workgroup.

Security upgrades

Chouette dependencies are constantly analyzed to find and resolve possible security issues. These libraries have been updated in this new release :

  • nokogiri to 1.12.5

  • puma to 5.5.1


Report Partner validation errors

The user has more feedback when the Ara SaaS Partner can’t be saved with the provided connectors and settings:

Security upgrades

Chouette dependencies are constantly analyzed to find and resolve possible security issues. These libraries have been updated in this new release :

  • nokogiri to 1.12.5

  • puma to 5.5.1

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