Sprint 119

Sprint 119

All our SaaS products have been updated with the releases associated to this Sprint 119 on Dec 13, 2024.


Control absence of an attribute

The user can define a Control which ensures that a given attribute is not defined:


Improve percentage display in Search Charts

When the user creates a chart displayed as percentage, the numerical values are now truncated:


Improve Timetables NeTEx Export

The Chouette NeTEx export has been refactored to improve Timetable processing. Users with largest datasets will observe few minutes of processing time gain.


Use Stop Area Group in Partner include/exclude settings

The user can use a setting collect.include_stop_area_groups to include the Stop Areas associated to these Stop Area Groups in the collectable Stop Areas by this Partner. Stop Areas are included via collect.include_stop_areas or collect.include_stop_area_groups in the same way.

The user can use a setting collect.exclude_stop_area_groups to exclude the Stop Areas associated to these Stop Area Groups in the collectable Stop Areas by this Partner. Stop Areas are included via collect.exclude_stop_areas or collect.exclude_stop_area_groups in the same way.

The Stop Areas associated to these Stop Groups must have a code with the Partner (remote) code space when the Partner is loaded (or they will be ignored by the Partner settings).

Use Line Group in Partner include/exclude settings

The user can use a setting collect.include_line_groups to include the Lines associated to these Line Groups in the collectable Lines by this Partner. Lines are included via collect.include_lines or collect.include_line_groups in the same way.

The user can use a setting collect.exclude_line_groups to exclude the Lines associated to these Line Groups in the collectable Lines by this Partner. Lines are included via collect.exclude_lines or collect.exclude_line_groups in the same way.

The Lines associated to these Lines must have a code with the Partner (remote) code space when the Partner is loaded (or they will be ignored by the Partner settings).


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