Sprint 67

Sprint 67

All our products have been updated on Nov 19, 2021 with the releases associated to this Sprint 67.



Export into Ara format

The user can export a Data Set into a Ara file.

For all Vehicle Journeys operating in the 5 next days, Chouette exports:

  • the Vehicle Journeys, with name and all defined codes

  • the Stop Areas, with name and all defined codes

  • the Lines, with name and all defined codes

Publish to Ara import API

The user can add a Publication Destination to send a published file to the Ara SaaS import API:

The associated Ara SaaS real-time referential can be feed automatically with the static data managed by Chouette SaaS.

Daily re-publication

When the user enables the Publication option “Force Daily Publishing”, Chouette will publish every day the workgroup aggregated dataset by using this Publication and its destinations.

By this mechanism, the user can feed a publication with a limited time depth (for example an export with only 5 or 10 days). This publication will be updated every day even if the aggregated data set is unchanged.

Import Stop Areas from a generic NeTEx file

The user can create or update Stop Areas by providing any NeTEx file. Chouette is able to process any NeTEx profile and read Quay and StopPlace NeTEx resources in the XML or ZIP file.

<StopPlace id="42"> <Name>Stop Place Sample</Name> <Centroid> <Location> <Longitude>7.7064377815</Longitude> <Latitude>48.5331765019</Latitude> </Location> </Centroid> <PostalAddress> <AddressLine1>100, rue du Maréchal Foch</AddressLine1> <Town>Ostwald</Town> <PostCode>67540</PostCode> </PostalAddress> <placeTypes> <TypeOfPlaceRef ref='multimodalStopPlace'/> </placeTypes> </StopPlace>

Export by using the IDFM Publication Full profile (beta)

The Chouette generic NeTEx export supports now a new profile: IDFM Publication Full profile. This profile is under tests.

Associate a Stop Area with a non-canonical timezone

The user can associate a Stop Area with non-canonical timezone like Etc/UTC or America/Montréal.


View details of an Exchange

The user can see the exchange details:

  • the exchange identifier

  • the timestamp

  • the type of Exchange (ex: SIRI CheckStatus Request, GTFS-RT Trip Update Request, etc)

  • the direction (sent or received)

  • the request identifier, size and raw message (when available)

  • the response identifier, size and raw message (when available)

  • the associated resources (stop places, lines, vehicles and subscriptions), displayed as count


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