Sprint 108

Sprint 108

All our products have been updated on Apr 8, 2024 with the releases associated to this Sprint 108.


Manage Organisation SAML Identity Provider

The authorized user can define an SAML Identify Provider (Azure AD, Google Workspace, etc.). The organisation users will be authenticated via this specific SAML server.

The user needs to provide several technical information according to his SAML Provider (Azure, Google Apps, etc.).


Only users invited/added in the Chouette Organisation can sign in using SAML.

When a SAML Identity Provider is set up in the Organisation, the authorized user can allow the Chouette internal password authentication for specific users. This option allows administrators to connect Chouette even if the SAML Identity Provider is in trouble.

with SAML Identity Provider

When the user signs in:

  • First, the user enters first its Chouette account email

  • Then the next step will depend on the associated Organisation setup:

    • if no SAML Identify Provider is defined, the password field is displayed (if internal password authentication is allowed)

    • if a SAML Identify Provider is configured, the user is redirected to the SAML Identify Provider login page

    • Special case: if internal password authentication is not allowed, a link “Login with <SAML IdP Name>” is available near the password input

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Define Stop Area transport mode (and sub mode)

The user can select the transport mode (and an optional transport sub mode) associated to each Stop Area:


Import/Export Stop Area Transport Mode in NeTEx

The user can import / export Stop Areas with associated Transport Mode and sub mode via a NeTEx StopPlace or Quay resource:

<StopPlace id="sample"> <Name>Stop Place Sample</Name> <TransportMode>bus</TransportMode> <BusSubmode>regionalBus</BusSubmode> </StopPlace>

Define Stop Area transport mode from Line with Macro

The user can define transport mode of Stop Area by using the Macro “Define Stop Area transport mode”.

When a Stop Area has no defined transport mode and is associated with routes of a single transport mode in the dataset, the Stop Area transport is defined.


Manage Range Sequence

The user can manage Sequences used to provide numeric values in Chouette features, like creating code via a Macro.

A Sequence is defined by:

  • a name and a description

  • a type

A Range Sequence is defined by:

  • a range start

  • a range end


Manage Sequence with static values

The user can create a Sequence which uses a Static List of values:


Create code from Sequence with a Macro

The user can add a Macro “Create code from sequence” by selecting:

  • a Target Model (all models which supports codes outside of Dataset, Stop Area, Line, Company, etc.)

  • a Code Space

  • a format including %{value} pattern

  • a Sequence which will provide a numeric value


Each target model without the expected code will receive a new one using the specified format and a free value provided by the Sequence.

Create Code based on UUID with a Macro

The user can add a Macro “Create code from UUID” by selecting:

  • a Target Model (all models supporting codes including Dataset models, like Route, Journey Pattern, Timetable and Vehicle Journey)

  • a Code Space

  • a format including %{value} pattern


Each target model without the expected code will receive a new one using the specified format and a UUID value (for example: afd55d20-181c-11ef-8821-2f6cddf47fd5).

Define Stop Area Postal Region with french INSEE Code

The user can use a Macro “Define French INSEE Code” to define the Postal Region (as expected by the NeTEx French Profile) on Stop Area, Entrance and Point of Interest.


Each target model with a defined position and without Postal Region will receive the INSEE code as Postal Region value.

This feature uses the API Découpage administratif > Communes provided by geo.api.gouv.fr.



Export a Dataset in NeTEx with a selected Code Space

When the user selects an exported code space, the NeTEx resources will be identified in priority with the code values.



If a Stop Area exits with the code external "sample", the NeTEx file created by a Chouette export with external Code Space will contain:

<Quay id="sample"> <Name>Sample</Name> </Quay>

Define NeTEx profile options

The user can define:

  • a Participant Ref value (a free String)

  • NeTEx profile options (String key/value pairs supported by the NeTEx profile)


Prefer Referent Lines in NeTEx export

The user can enable in a NeTEx export the option “Prefer Referent Lines”. In this case, Chouette will replace the Particular Lines by the associated Referent Line in the created NeTEx file.

Export Referent Lines to Ara

When the user defines Referent Lines, the Ara export includes it. These Referent Lines can be used by the Ara real-time APIs.

Export with NeTEx Profile IDFM Producer IBOO

The user can select the NeTEx Profile “IDFM Producer IBOO”. Chouette will create a NeTEx file according to IDFM Producer IBOO NeTEx Profile.

The user needs to define:

  • a Participant Ref

  • a NeTEx Profile setting code_space

The exported file will be valid only if the exported dataset contains expected requirements (codes, etc.).

Export with NeTEx Profile IDFM Producer ICAR

The user can select the NeTEx Profile “IDFM Producer ICAR”. Chouette will create a NeTEx file compatible with the IDFM ICAR Stop Place registry.

The user needs to define:

  • a Participant Ref

  • two specific NeTEx profile settings: site_id and site_name (values provided by IDFM)

The exported file will be valid only if the exported dataset contains expected requirements (codes, etc.).

Export codes in Datasets as NeTEx alternate identifiers

When a Dataset model (Route, Journey Pattern, Timetable or Vehicle Journey) has defined codes, Chouette exports these codes as NeTEx ALTERNATE_IDENTIFIER KeyValue:

<Route id="route-1"> <keyList> <KeyValue typeOfKey="ALTERNATE_IDENTIFIER"> <Key>sample1</Key> <Value>value1</Value> </KeyValue> <KeyValue typeOfKey="ALTERNATE_IDENTIFIER"> <Key>sample2</Key> <Value>value2</Value> </KeyValue> </keyList> <Name>Route Sample</Name> <LineRef ref="line-1"/> </Route>

Import NeTEx alternate identifiers as codes in Datasets

When a NeTEx file contains Route, Service Journey Pattern, Service Journey or Day Type resources, the associated Dataset model will be imported with these codes.


Broadcast Situations with SIRI SX Exchange subscriptions

The user can use the connector SIRI Situation Exchange Subscription Broadcaster to accept SIRI Subscriptions to broadcast Situations.

When the user subscribes, the Subscription request can filter (optionally) by Line(s) and Stop Area(s).

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://wsdl.siri.org.uk" xmlns:siri="http://www.siri.org.uk/siri"> <soap:Body> <ws:Subscribe> <SubscriptionRequestInfo> <siri:RequestTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z</siri:RequestTimestamp> <siri:RequestorRef>Ara</siri:RequestorRef> <siri:MessageIdentifier>82dc3b14-cb40-11ee-99c3-df5449463d29</siri:MessageIdentifier> </SubscriptionRequestInfo> <Request> <siri:SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest> <siri:SubscriptionIdentifier>7bd62a70-cb3e-11ee-9aae-abea505bad95</siri:SubscriptionIdentifier> <siri:InitialTerminationTime>2030-01-02T12:00:00.000Z</siri:InitialTerminationTime> <siri:SituationExchangeRequest> <siri:RequestTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z</siri:RequestTimestamp> <!-- All Situations are included (if internal tags match) --> </siri:SituationExchangeRequest> </siri:SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest> <siri:SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest> <siri:SubscriptionIdentifier>b904206e-cb3e-11ee-995d-c3809a99d0d7</siri:SubscriptionIdentifier> <siri:InitialTerminationTime>2030-01-02T12:00:00.000Z</siri:InitialTerminationTime> <siri:SituationExchangeRequest> <siri:RequestTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z</siri:RequestTimestamp> <!-- Only Situations with these Line(s) into their Affects are included (if internal tags match) --> <siri:LineRef>dummy</siri:LineRef> </siri:SituationExchangeRequest> </siri:SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest> <siri:SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest> <siri:SubscriptionIdentifier>b904206e-cb3e-11ee-995d-c3809a99d0d7</siri:SubscriptionIdentifier> <siri:InitialTerminationTime>2030-01-02T12:00:00.000Z</siri:InitialTerminationTime> <siri:SituationExchangeRequest> <siri:RequestTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z</siri:RequestTimestamp> <!-- Only Situations with this one of Stop Areas into their Affects are included (if internal tags match) --> <siri:StopPointRef>dummy1</siri:StopPointRef> <siri:StopPointRef>dummy2</siri:StopPointRef> </siri:SituationExchangeRequest> </siri:SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest> </Request> <RequestExtension/> </ws:Subscribe> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

Manage Referent Lines

The real-time Ara Line model can be associated to a Referent Line (via the Ara import API). When a Referent Line is defined, Ara API will use it, for example to find a Line code.


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