Sprint 118
All our SaaS products have been updated with the releases associated to this Sprint 117 on Nov 10, 2024.
- 1 Chouette
- 1.1 Search Stop Areas with Statistics & Graph
- 1.2 Control Attribute Uniqueness
- 1.3 Improve GTFS Transfers import processing time
- 1.4 Preserve Line Attributes when no defined in GTFS Route
- 1.5 Change the Wheelchair Accessibility as Unknown via a GTFS import
- 1.6 Improve NeTEx Vehicle Journey Stop Assignment export processing time
- 1.7 Better NeTEx Export Processing time
- 1.8 Define Stop Area & Line Group Short name
- 1.9 Flexible Transport Service
- 2 Ara
- 3 Chouette Valid
- 4 Chouette Convert
Search Stop Areas with Statistics & Graph
The user can create chart in Stop Area search by grouping by:
Creation Date and Month
Update Date and Month
Area Type
Transport Mode
Adresse attributes: Zip Code, City, Postal Region, Country
Referent or Particular
Stop Area Provider
Time Zone
All Chouette searches will be gradually improved with this Statistics & Graph feature.
Control Attribute Uniqueness
The user can control that an attribute has always an unique value.
The user can define:
the target model (Stop Area, Line, Company, Vehicle Journey)
the attribute
the uniqueness scope (not available for DataSet models): By Workgroup, By Workbench, By Provider
The following attributes are supported:
Stop Area
Registration Number
Registration Number
Registration Number
Vehicle Journey
Published Name
Published Identifier
The uniqueness scope can’t be specified for DataSet models (like Vehicle Journey). The attribute is only available for not DataSet models like Stop Area, Line or Company.
Improve GTFS Transfers import processing time
Even for very large GTFS Transfers (some users are managing in Chouette more than 100 000 connections), the import spends few minutes to create or update Chouette Connections.
Preserve Line Attributes when no defined in GTFS Route
The user can import a GTFS Route which updates an existing Chouette Line without:
short name
long name
The associated Chouette Line keeps the existing value for associated attributes like the name, published name, number, description or URL.
Change the Wheelchair Accessibility as Unknown via a GTFS import
The user can change the Stop Area Wheelchair Accessibility to Unkown by importing a GTFS Stop with wheelchair_boarding
with value 0
. If the GTFS Stop has no wheelchair_boarding
value, the Stop Area Wheelchair Accessibility is unchanged.
Improve NeTEx Vehicle Journey Stop Assignment export processing time
The NeTEx Vehicle Journey Stop Assignment export processing time has been divided by 10. This processing time is less than a minute even for largest datasets.
<VehicleJourneyStopAssignment id="VehicleJourneyStopAssignment:135413-C02597-772a171e-ffdb-4216-9e19-b4901982511c-16:LOC" version="any">
<ScheduledStopPointRef ref="ScheduledStopPoint:135319-C02597-5ae537dc-7cdf-3337-a746-67b509ba4594-109-16:LOC"/>
<QuayRef ref="Quay:be613bc1-9ce9-11ef-af6c-18c04dede996:LOC" version="any"/>
<VehicleJourneyRef ref="ServiceJourney:135413-C02597-772a171e-ffdb-4216-9e19-b4901982511c:LOC"/>
Better NeTEx Export Processing time
The enRoute R&D efforts to provide a fast Chouette NeTEx export continues. The studies performed the last months lead to several small improvements into the export database usage.
The user can see the different on very large datasets where Stops, Routes and Journey patterns exports are faster.
With the latest improvements, very large exports (more than 5GB of XML) can be performed in less than 15 minutes.
Define Stop Area & Line Group Short name
The user can defined Short Name on Stop Area and Line Groups:
Flexible Transport Service
The Chouette Saas 2025 roadmap includes new features about Flexible Transport Service support. These features includes a support of GTFS Flex and NeTEx Flexible resources.
We’ve released a Feature Plan - Flexible Transport Service v1 which describes them.
Manage Stop Area & Line Groups
Ara manages Stop Area & Line Groups. The user can import Stop Area & Line Groups use the Ara Import file.
Technical updates
We’re constantly upgrading the technical stack used in our SaaS products. The Ara user interface has been upgraded to the latest version of Ruby on Rails framework.
Chouette Valid
Provide a unified CLI client secretary-client
The user can via a unified command line tool:
create a Validation (provided by Chouette Valid)
create a Conversion (provided by Chouette Convert)
secretary-cli create validation --ruleset="french" --include-schema --schema-version="next" /path/to/netex.zip
secretary-cli create conversion --type=gtfs-to-netex --profile="french" /path/to/netex.zip
The beta version of https://bitbucket.org/enroute-mobi/secretary-client/src/main/ can be downloaded.
Validate NeTEx XML schema according to the next NeTEx XSD
A new version of the NeTEx XML schema is about to be released. To simplify the adoption of this new version and help to perform the required changes in the NeTEx files, Chouette Valid integrates both the current official XSD version and this next XSD version.
The user can select the expected NeTEx schema version:
secretary-cli create validation --ruleset="french" --include-schema --schema-version="next" /path/to/netex.zip
The supported versions are:
master (used by default)
next (a copy of https://github.com/NeTEx-CEN/NeTEx/tree/next)
Validate NeTEx XML schema according to the latest NeTEx XSD
Chouette Valid uses the latest NeTEx XML schema current/stable version (aka master). The NeTEx XSD team has recently performed a notable improvement on order attribute: https://github.com/NeTEx-CEN/NeTEx/pull/657.
This change (and other minor updates) is now effective in the Chouette Valid XSD validation.
NeTEx files and code should be updated if the value zero is used in order attribute:
<!-- Invalid -->
<PassengerStopAssignment id="..." version="any" order="0">
<DayTypeAssignment id="..." version="any" order="0">
<!-- Valid -->
<PassengerStopAssignment id="..." version="any" order="1">
<DayTypeAssignment id="..." version="any" order="1">
Manage Ruleset by API
In the future, the user will be able to manage its own rulesets. The first step is providing a management via the Chouette Valid API or the command line tool.
We’ve published a Feature Plan - Chouette Valid - Ruleset management about these features.
Chouette Convert
Convert NeTEx to NeTEx
The user can convert a NeTEx file into another NeTEx file with the specified profile:
secretary-cli create conversion --type=netex-to-netex --profile=french /path/to/netex.zip
For example, the user can convert any NeTEx file into the beta file structure of NeTEx French Profile (see https://github.com/etalab/transport-profil-netex-fr/issues/121).
Create NeTEx file from GTFS with valid orders
As required by the current NeTEx XML schema (see Sprint 118 | Validate NeTEx XML schema according to the latest NeTEx XSD above), the NeTEx file created by a GTFS to NeTEx conversion uses positive integer for PassengerStopAssignment
, DayTypeAssignment
, etc. order attributes.
Convert GTFS Calendar using NeTEx UicOperatingPeriod
As required by the NeTEx French Profile (see https://normes.transport.data.gouv.fr/normes/netex/elements_communs/), a UicOperatingPeriod
NeTEx resource is used when a GTFS Calendar with date range is converted into a DayType.
The NeTEx UicOperatingPeriod
attribute is created by using the GTFS Calendar Date range and the associated Days Of Week (cf the associated issue in the French NeTEx Profile https://github.com/etalab/transport-profil-netex-fr/issues/58 ):
<UicOperatingPeriod id="..." version="any">