Sprint 110

Sprint 110

All our products have been updated on May 23, 2024 with the releases associated to this Sprint 110.


Display overriding Datasets when an import can't start

When the user imports a file which requires a new Dataset which overlaps existing ones, the Import is displayed with the list of overlapping Datasets:


When no overlapping Dataset is detected, the Overlapping section is hidden.

Display overriding Datasets when an import can't start

Because of NeTEx limitation on Particular/Referent link, if the user wants to import Referent resources and Particular relationships, the NeTEx file must contain the Referent resource and the Particular resource(s) with their derivedFromObjectRef attribute.

When the Particular resources are already defined in Chouette, the user wants to keep intact the Particular models even if the resources are defined in the file.

In this special case, the user can use the option Ignore Particular resources to import only NeTEx resources referenced by a derivedFromObjectRef attribute.

<stopPlaces> <StopPlace id="particular" derivedFromObjectRef="referent"> <Name>Ignored Name</Name> </StopPlace> <StopPlace id="referent"> <Name>Referent Sample</Name> </StopPlace> </stopPlaces>

Export Stop Area registration number as NeTEx private code

When Chouette exports a Stop Area, its registration number is used as NeTEx PrivateCode:

<Quay version="any" id="FR::Quay:50121060:FR1"> <Name>Gare Epinay-sous-Sénart</Name> <PrivateCode>TESTALIM14</PrivateCode> <Centroid> <Location> <gml:pos srsName="EPSG:27572">613081 2410342</gml:pos> </Location> </Centroid> </Quay>

Manage Shape codes

The user can view, add and edit codes associated to each Shape:


Control Shape Codes

The user can control codes associated to Shapes:

  • Presence Code

  • Format of Code

  • Code Uniqueness


Control presence of additional attributes

The user can control the presence of the new following attributes:

  • Route direction

  • Stop Area parent

  • Stop Area referent


Avoid the tenth of a second in NeTEx file

When Chouette creates a NeTEx file, the time values no longer include the tenth of a second:

<DayType ...created="2024-04-22T13:23:33Z" changed="2024-04-22T13:24:01Z" version="any">

Some users reported that some NeTEx consumers are in trouble to handle a such format.


Broadcast VehicleFeatureRef attribute in SIRI StopMonitoring

Ara can broadcast VehicleFeatureRef attribute in SIRI Stop Monitoring response and notification:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <siri:MonitoredStopVisit> <siri:RecordedAtTime>2030-09-22T07:56:53.000+02:00</siri:RecordedAtTime> <siri:ItemIdentifier>StopVisit:1</siri:ItemIdentifier> <siri:MonitoringRef>StopPoint:A</siri:MonitoringRef> <siri:MonitoredVehicleJourney> <!-- ... --> <siri:VehicleFeatureRef>lowFloor</siri:VehicleFeatureRef> <siri:MonitoredCall> <siri:StopPointRef>StopPoint:A</siri:StopPointRef> <siri:Order>4</siri:Order> <siri:StopPointName>PA282-Antofagasta / Esq. Bascuñán Guerrero</siri:StopPointName> <!-- ... --> </siri:MonitoredCall> </siri:MonitoredVehicleJourney> </siri:MonitoredStopVisit>

Broadcast SIRI SituationExchangeDelivery for each subscription

When Ara broadcasts a SIRI Situation Exchange response or notification, the PtSituationElement SIRI resources are regrouped by SubscriptionRef into a dedicated SituationExchangeDelivery

<siri:SituationExchangeDelivery> <siri:ResponseTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z</siri:ResponseTimestamp> <siri:SubscriptionRef>A</siri:SubscriptionRef> <siri:Situations> <siri:PtSituationElement ...> </siri:PtSituationElement> <siri:PtSituationElement ...> </siri:PtSituationElement> </siri:Situations> </siri:SituationExchangeDelivery> <siri:SituationExchangeDelivery> <siri:ResponseTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z</siri:ResponseTimestamp> <siri:SubscriptionRef>B</siri:SubscriptionRef> <siri:Situations> <siri:PtSituationElement ...> </siri:PtSituationElement> <siri:PtSituationElement ...> </siri:PtSituationElement> </siri:Situations> </siri:SituationExchangeDelivery>


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