Sprint 39

Sprint 39

All our products have been updated on Apr 10, 2020 with the releases associated to the Sprint 39.



Last publication time displays now on your public API page

Chouette permits to publish your transport data in many formats and in many ways. If you choose an API publication, Chouette publishes automatically for you a public page to help people to consume your API.

On this page, Chouette displays now the last publication time:

Export Timetables as GTFS Calendars

The analysis of the Chouette GTFS exports leads to some improvements on the number of calendars and trips produced.

Chouette has now a smarter approach for calendar and trips generation :

  • For each Timetable period, we need to create a Calendar with the associated date range and the day selection. The associated included/excluded dates must create CalendarDates.

  • For a Timetable with only included dates, only the CalendarDates should be used.

  • For each Calendar / service_id, the VehicleJourney must be exported into a dedicated trip.

For example:

  • A Timetable A on week days with two periods and a excluded date (on the first period)

  • A Timetable B with only included dates

  • A Vehicle Journey 1 which uses the two timetables A & B

  • A Vehicle Journey 2 which uses only the Timetable B

These models should be exported as:

  • A Calendar (service_id A1) for the first period of Timetable A and an associated CalendarDate for the excluded date

  • A Calendar (service_id A2) for the second period of Timetable A

  • A CalendarDate for each included dates of Timetable B (with the same service_id B)

  • A Trip for Vehicle Journey 1 associated to the service_id A1

  • A Trip for Vehicle Journey 1 associated to the service_id A2

  • A Trip for Vehicle Journey 1 associated to the service_id B

  • A Trip for Vehicle Journey 2 associated to the service_id B

Display object identifier for Stop Area and Line resources

Chouette displays now this object identifier with the name “full id” (or “ID complet” in French)


This information is useful for users who want to

  • interpret identifiers used in exports (GTFS, NeTEx, etc)

  • prepare API requests in GraphQL

Search by name or identifier on Line and Stop Area

You can now mix filters to use search by name or identifier and every filters for Stop Areas and Lines : postal code, area type, status ...

Access to exports for Publication

Every publication made by Chouette launches exports in a specific format. You can now consult export details for each publication:


Manage several ValidBetween in NeTEx IDFM calendar frame

When a NeTEx IDFM dataset has a calendriers.xml file with several ValidBetween tags in the NETEX_CALENDRIER, the associated Data Set is now created the defined periods.

Example of calendriers.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PublicationDelivery xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns="http://www.netex.org.uk/netex" xmlns:ifopt="http://www.ifopt.org.uk/ifopt" xmlns:acbs="http://www.ifopt.org.uk/acsb" xmlns:siri="http://www.siri.org.uk/siri" version="1.04:FR1-NETEX-2.0"> <PublicationTimestamp>2019-12-12T15:49:25Z</PublicationTimestamp> <ParticipantRef>32</ParticipantRef> <dataObjects> <GeneralFrame id="STRAV:GeneralFrame:NETEX_CALENDRIER-20191212T154925Z:LOC" version="any"> <ValidBetween> <FromDate>2020-01-02T00:00:00</FromDate> <ToDate>2020-04-11T00:00:00</ToDate> </ValidBetween> <ValidBetween> <FromDate>2020-04-14T00:00:00</FromDate> <ToDate>2020-04-30T00:00:00</ToDate> </ValidBetween> <ValidBetween> <FromDate>2020-05-02T00:00:00</FromDate> <ToDate>2020-05-07T00:00:00</ToDate> </ValidBetween>

Prevent consecutive Merges after large IDFM NeTEx import

When the user launches an Import which creates a large number of Data Sets (this is possible with a large IDFM NeTEx import) with the automatic merge option, Chouette could merge in several operations these imported Data Sets. Chouette starts now only a single Merge when the Import operation is successfully done.

Measure performances with a common Benchmark tool

We improve our Benchmark library used in the code to analyse :

  • processing time

  • memory usage

This updated library checks now every merge and aggregate operation and delivers these data directly to Datadog (our monitoring service).

Security upgrades

Chouette dependencies are constantly analyzed to find security issues. To handle this tasks Chouette uses 2 tools :

  • bundler-audit : check security issues for ruby libraries

  • snyk : check security issues for both ruby, javascript and go libraries

These libraries have been updated in this new release :

  • actionview to

  • shoulda-matchers to 4.1.2

  • nokogiri to 1.10.5

Complete API documentation

Each API endpoint is now documented and public for both Chouette and IBOO SaaS:


GTFS-RT Support

If the user adds a dedicated GTFS-RT broadcaster to a Partner, like gtfs-rt-trip-updates-broadcaster, gtfs-rt-vehicle-positions-broadcaster, etc, Ara provides associated endpoints to retrieve real-time data in GTFS-RT with a simple HTTP request:

GET /<referential_slug>/gtfs GET /<referential_slug>/gtfs/trip-updates GET /<referential_slug>/gtfs/vehicle-positions

The user can select the expected GTFS-RT entities by using one of the GTFS-RT endpoints:

  • Global endpoint /<referential_slug>/gtfs provides all entities.

  • Trip Update endpoint /<referential_slug>/gtfs/trip-updates provides only Trip Update entities.

  • Vehicle Position endpoint /<referential_slug>/gtfs/vehicle-positions provides only Vehicle Position entities


The user can specify a credential in the GTFS-RT request by using an HTTP header Authorization with this syntax : for secret token, Authorization: Token token=secret

GET /<referential_slug>/gtfs Authorization: Token token=secret

If a token is given into the GTFS-RT request, the Partner associated to the request will be find by local_credential.

If no token is given into the GTFS-RT request, the Partner without local_credential will be associated to the request.

GTFS-RT response

The GTFS-RT response contains a Feed Message structure as described in the GTFS-RT reference.

The following content is managed by Ara:


  • FeedHeader

    • Incrementality

  • FeedEntity

    • TripUpdate

      • TripDescriptor

      • StopTimeUpdate

        • StopTimeEvent

    • VehiclePosition

      • TripDescriptor

      • Position

All GTFS-RT responses respect this structure.

The TripUpdate entities are provided only if the user request selects them and if the gtfs-rt-trip-updates-broadcaster is associated to the Partner.

The VehiclePosition entities are provided only if the user request selects them and if the gtfs-rt-vehicle-positions-broadcaster is associated to the Partner.

Complete example (in pseudo json content):

The completed specifications of the response contents are available in the Ara GTFS-RT Broadcast documentation.