Sprint 120

Sprint 120

All our SaaS products have been updated with the releases associated to this Sprint 120 on Jan 3, 2025.



Manage Fare Zone associated to a Geographic Reference

The user can define a Geographic Reference into a Fare Zone. A Geographic Reference is defined with a short name (mandatory) and a name (optional).


The user can’t define two Geographic References with the same short name in a Fare Zone.

Associate Stop Area with a Fare Zone according to Geographic Reference via a Macro

The user can associate Stop Areas with Fare Zones whom a Geographic Reference matches the selected attribute:


Import Fare Zones with NeTEx

The user can create Fare Zones with a NeTEx import:

<FareZone id="sample"> <keyList> <KeyValue typeOfKey="ALTERNATE_IDENTIFIER"> <Key>test</Key> <Value>test-1</Value> </KeyValue> <KeyValue typeOfKey="ALTERNATE_IDENTIFIER"> <Key>test2</Key> <Value>test-2</Value> </KeyValue> </keyList> <Name>Fare Zone Sample</Name> <projections> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0051781"/> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0051781"/> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0051796"/> <TopographicProjectionRef ref="E0026789"/> </projections> </FareZone>

The Fare Zone will be created/updated with the provided name, codes and Geographic References.

Associate Vehicle Journeys to an Accessibility Assessment

The user can select in the Vehicle Journey an Accessibility Assessment defined in the Topological Referential:


This attribute is optional.


Associate Connection with unknown Stop Area in GTFS import

The user can import a GTFS Transfer and create a Connection Link associated with Stop Areas which exists in the Workgroup Stop Area Referential.

By default, the GTFS import tries to find a Stop Area with the expected code:

  • into the imported Stop Areas (defined into the stops.txt),

  • then into Stop Areas associated to the Provider (selected for the import),

  • and then all Stop Areas defined into the Workgroup (new behavior)

In this last case, the GTFS import creates a warning message

Report invalid GTFS location type for existing Stop Areas

If a Stop Area exists into Chouette, a GTFS file can’t change its “type” (Quay / Zone d’embarquement, Stop Place / Zone d’arrêt, etc). As the user can’t change the Stop Area type when the Stop Area is already created.

In this case, the GTFS import reports an error in the GTFS Stop. And it keeps unchanged the existing Stop Area (ignores GTFS Stop attributes):

  • The Stop Area <registration number> "<name>" with type <i18n area type> isn't compatible with a GTFS location_type <location_type>

  • L'arrêt <registration number> "<name>" de type <i18n area type> n'est pas compatible avec le location_type GTFS <location_type>

Report an empty GTFS Service with an import warning message

The user can import a GTFS Service which doesn’t define any operating dates. In this case, the Chouette Timetable is created empty with a warning message:

  • The service <service id> is empty

  • Le service <service id> est vide

Ignore Coach transport mode when option “Ignore extended route type” is used

The user exports a Chouette Line with Transport Mode Coach by using the option Ignore extended route type, the exported GTFS Route uses the Route Type 3.


Define Facility Monitoring Pseudo SIRI

The Ara support for SIRI Facility Monitoring is a part of our 2025 roadmap. The user can find a description of SIRI request/response which will allow Ara to know the real-time status of facilities into Collect via Pseudo SIRI | Facility Monitoring

Chouette Valid

Infrastructure and technical upgrade

To improve performances and our operation monitoring, the Chouette Valid technical components have been refactored and upgraded.

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