Sprint 109

All our products have been updated on Apr 29, 2024 with the releases associated to this Sprint 109.


Create several Workbenches in the same Organization

The user can create a Workbench, associated to his Organization (instead of providing a confirmation code):


Manage several Workbenches into the menu

The user can switch between several Workbenches via the Explore section:


The menu is reorganized into several sections:

  • Workbench section

  • Workgroup section (when the user’s organization owns the Workgroup)

  • Explore section

  • Administrate section

Extended Workbench Restrictions

The authorized user can restrict permissions on Datasets, Imports and Merges via the Workbench permission restrictions.

The following restrictions are manageable:

  • Dataset create

  • Dataset flag as urgent (already present)

  • Import create

  • Merge create

NeTEx Export Performance improvement

Chouette NeTEx export has been improved to process even faster large Datasets:

With these latest optimizations, large datasets with about 700 000 Vehicle Journeys are exported (as 3 GB of NeTEx XML) into 25 minutes.

Manage Service Facility Sets

The user can manage service facility sets into the Topological Referential. A Service Facility Set defines a list of Services (this list can be empty).

Import GTFS Trip bikes_allowed attribute as Service Facility Set

When a GTFS Trip has a bikes_allowed attribute with value 1 or 2, the Chouette import associates to the Vehicle Journey a Service Facility Set with the associated service created by the import.

Only two Service Facility Sets can be created by the GTFS import:

  • for GTFS Trips with bikes_allowed 1, the Vehicle Journey is associated to a Service Facility Set with Service Luggage - Cycles Allowed.

  • for GTFS Trips with bikes_allowed 2, the Vehicle Journey is associated to a Service Facility Set with Service: Luggage - No Cycles.

Export Luggage Cycles Allowed as GTFS Trip bikes_allowed attribute

When a Vehicle Journey is associated to a Service Facility Set:

  • with the service Luggage - Cycles Allowed the associated GTFS Trip has the bikes_allowed attribute with the value 1

  • with the service Luggage - No Cycles the associated GTFS Trip has the bikes_allowed attribute with the value 2

If the Vehicle Journey is associated both to the two different services (for example via two Service Facility Sets) … bikes_allowed has no value.

Manage Accessibility Assessments

The user can manage Accessibility Assessments into the Topological Referential.

An Accessibility Assessment is defined by:

  • a name

  • accessibility attributes:

    • Access for mobility impaired users

    • Wheelchair Access

    • Step Free Access

    • Escalator Free Access

    • Lift Free Access

    • Audible Signals Available

    • Visual Signs Available

    • Description

  • a Topological Provider

Import GTFS Trip wheelchair_accessible attribute as Accessibility Assessment

When a GTFS Trip has a wheelchair_accessible attribute with value 1 or 2, the Chouette import associates to the Vehicle Journey an Accessibility Assessment with created by the import.

Only two Accessibility Assessments can be created by the GTFS import:

  • for GTFS Trips with wheelchair_accessible 1, the Vehicle Journey is associated to the Accessibility Assessment with Wheelchair Access: Yes

  • for GTFS Trips with wheelchair_accessible 2, the Vehicle Journey is associated to the Accessibility Assessment with Wheelchair Access: No

Export Accessibility Assessment as GTFS Trip wheelchair_accessible

When a Vehicle Journey is associated to an Accessibility Assessment with the attribute Mobility reduced passenger suitable:

  • with the value Yes, the associated GTFS Trip has the wheelchair_accessible attribute with the value 1

  • with the value No, the associated GTFS Trip has the wheelchair_accessible attribute with the value 2

  • otherwise, the associated GTFS Trip has the wheelchair_accessible attribute with the value 0

Include changed/created attributes in NeTEx resources

When a NeTEx resource is exported, Chouette should include changed/created attributes.

<Quay id="sample" created="2030-01-01T12:00:00+0100" changed="2030-01-01T12:15:00+0100"> <Name>Sample</Name> </Quay>


Display current Situations

The user can view all Situations collected into an Ara referential:

Support Reality attribute in Situations

Ara can collect and broadcast the Situation Reality attribute. This attribute can take these values:

  • Real (default value)

  • Security Exercise

  • Technical Exercise

  • Test

<siri:PtSituationElement> <siri:CreationTime>2023-09-18T05:30:59.042Z</siri:CreationTime> <!-- ... --> <siri:Reality>test</siri:Reality> <!-- ... --> </siri:PtSituationElement>

Search exchanges by response identifier

The user can search exchanges by specifying a SIRI response identifier: