Export allows you to extract files from database within several formats (GTFS, NeTEx, Ara).
Consult the Exports
You can see the exports made by your organization in “Workbench” - “Exports”.
For each export, Status, Name, Export type, Referential, Beginning, Creator, are displayed.
You can filter the exports by:
their name
export type
For each export the star wheel of every export allows to launch the accessible actions (see, download).
Launch an export
To export the data from Chouette, you need to click on “New export” and fill in the template.
All exports offer to filter the exported data:
over a given number of days
by keeping data only related to a Line, Carrier or Data Provider
Depending on the type of export requested, additional options may be offered.
When the export is finished you can download the file.
You receive a notification by email after the export is finished.
GTFS Export
A GTFS export is a zip file that will contain .txt files respecting the GTFS format.
The specification of the data exported from Chouette to the GTFS can be found in the document https://enroute.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUBLIC/pages/27590694
The GTFS export contains format-specific options.
Prefer referent stop areas: if a stop has a referent then this one takes its place in the exported data
Prefer referent companies: if a carrier has a referrer then this one takes its place in the exported data
Ignore monomodal stop places with a single quay: do not export the zones of places linked to only one Quay.
NeTEx Export
A NeTEx export is a zip file that will contain XML files organized according to the selected profile (and associated XSDs)
The NeTEx export contains format-specific options.
Profile: Several profiles can be used in the NeTEx export
None: all data is saved in a single xml file
French: the data must respect the format contained https://normes.transport.data.gouv.fr/normes/netex/elements_communs/ https://normes.transport.data.gouv.fr/normes/netex/arrets/
European: the data must respect the format contained https://www.netex-cen.eu/
IDFM publication line and IDFM publication full: profiles set up by IDFM and whose documentation can be consulted in the document Publication
Ara Export
An Ara export is a CSV file containing data from the selected repository in Ara format which can then be used for real time.
Automatic purge of old exports
Chouette conserves the history of workbench exports and associated files.
This conservation is limited in time (after a period of 90 days the exports are automatically deleted).