Sprint 42

Sprint 42

All our products have been updated on Jun 12, 2020 with the releases associated to the Sprint 42.



Publish data by email

The user can define various destinations when new data is published by Chouette. A new kind of Destination allows to send emails on each publication:

The user can customize the message content:

  • the recipients

  • the email title and text

  • if the exported data is attached to the message

  • if a link to a associated publication API is included in the message

Exported data is not attached to the email if the size exceeds 10MB even if the feature is enabled .

Manage Vehicle Journey codes

The Chouette Vehicle Journeys can be used in the new Chouette Code feature.

Each Chouette Vehicle Journey can be associated to one or several Codes. Each code is associated to a Code Space. These Code Spaces will be managed by the authorized users in each Workgroup. Chouette uses, by default, an “external” Code Space.

The Chouette Code feature is one of the key features of the Roadmap 2020 Q3 and will provide new solutions especially around stops, lines and vehicle journeys.

The current Vehicle Journey code support provides the way to import and export Vehicle Journeys by keeping “as much as possible” the original identifiers.

Neptune Import

When Chouette imports Vehicle Journeys from a Neptune file, each Neptune objectId is stored in a code associated to each Vehicle Journey.

<VehicleJourney> <objectId>Boston:VehicleJourney:15_R_167_14_1501_1_070001</objectId> <routeId>Boston:ChouetteRoute:15_R_167</routeId> <journeyPatternId>Boston:JourneyPattern:15_R_167</journeyPatternId> <vehicleJourneyAtStop> ... </vehicleJourneyAtStop> </VehicleJourney>

By default, the “external” Code Space is used.

GTFS Import

When Chouette imports Vehicle Journeys from a GTFS file, each GTFS trip_id is stored in a code associated to each Vehicle Journey.

route_id,service_id,trip_id,trip_headsign,direction_id,block_id,shape_id AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,

By default, the “external” Code Space is used.

GTFS Export

When Chouette exports the Vehicle Journeys of a Data Set, the Code Space associated to the export is used to create GTFS Trip identifiers. By default, the “external” Code Space is used.

When the selected code of a Vehicle Journey is unique in the export scope, the GTFS trip is the strict value code.

When no code (of the given Code Space) is associated to the Vehicle Journey, the GTFS trip is created with Chouette identifiers.

When multiple codes (of the given Code Space) are associated to the Vehicle Journey, a warning message is created and one of the codes is used.


In several case, the Vehicle Journey code must be “de-duplicated”:

  • when a Vehicle Journey uses a Time Table with several periods (this case is not supported by GTFS format),

  • when a Vehicle Journey uses several Time Tables (this case is not supported by GTFS format),

  • when several Vehicle Journeys in the export code have codes with the same value,

In these situations, the Vehicle Journey code is suffixed with service id instead (based on Time Table or TimeTable Period identifiers).

Merge Vehicle Journey codes (without validity periods)

When Chouette merges a Vehicle Journey, the associated codes are copied into the merged data and associated to the Vehicle Journey with the same checksum (and with same Journey Pattern & Route checksums).

Aggregate codes

When Chouette aggregates a merged Data Set, all codes are copied into the aggregated Data Set and are associated to the same resources.

Clean Vehicle Journey codes

When a Vehicle Journey is deleted:

  • by the user

  • by a clean operation

the associated codes are removed from the Data Set.

The cleaning is performed automatically during the merge operation.

Optimise GTFS export

The Chouette GTFS Export has been improved to manage very large Vehicle Journeys Stops collection (more than millions) when creating the required GTFS Stop Times.

The biggest benchmark reports a GTFS export performed into 22 minutes to process:

  • half a million of Vehicle Journeys in Chouette (458626)

  • more than 10 millions of passing times

and creates a one giga byte stop_times.txt file (1023781559 bytes).

The GTFS ruby library used by Chouette has been refactored to optimize memory usage when creating very large GTFS files.

Security upgrades

Chouette dependencies are constantly analyzed to find and resolve possible security issues. These libraries have been updated in this new release :

  • jquery to 3.5.0

  • websocket-extensions to 0.1.5


Change Partner status when only a Push Collector is used

When a Partner is only used with a Push Collector, the Partner status is changed to “up” when the last push request has performed less than 5 minutes ago.

The Partner status is available in the dedicated Ara API and uses the SIRI protocol to report an unavailable producer.

Helper to execute ara admin commands

An helper script is now available to make easier the Ara administrative command lines:

$ ara-cli --path=/usr/share/edwig/migrations up $ ara-cli load ...

This helper is provided into the debian package.


End of support of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1

All enRoute products are only accessible in a secure way, so only via HTTPS. It guarantees the confidentiality of the data that passes between our servers and the browsers or API clients of our customers.

All our HTTPs frontends are going to be updated to no longer support insecure TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 protocols.

The Chouette Convert API or IBOO SaaS are already updated:

For more details, see our SSL Certificate and the IBOO Certificat SSL page.


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