Vehicle journey
A vehicle journey defines the passing times in different stop areas of the journey pattern.
Consult the Vehicle journeys
You can see the list of vehicle journeys in “Data set” from the chosen offer page by clicking on “Vehicle Journeys” button.
For each vehicle journey, ID, Published name, Line, Route, Departure, Arrival are displayed.
The vehicle journeys can be filtered by :
name or ID
published name
stop areas
purchase availability
You can see the Timetables of vehicle journeys of chosen route in “Timetables” on route page.
There is a detailed preview of accessible calendars on the timetable editor to facilitate the managing of vehicle journeys.
Timetables can be filtered by :
journey ID
journey pattern
In timetables there are several additional options of display :
show and edit arrival times
show journeys without schedule
show journeys with calendar
Managing vehicle journeys
To create a new vehicle journey you choose click on “Edit”, then down the page “+”, and fill in the template with all necessary information.
If all the data on distance/time is described in the previous journey pattern it is possible to inquire the departure time in appropriate field, the calculation of time will be executed automatically for all timetable. Otherwise you have to fill in manually the time for each stop area.
To modify vehicle journey you use “Edit”. When you check the needed vehicle journey the following actions become active for that vehicle journey :
duplicate : to create another vehicle journey with the same settings
shift time : to delay the times of the vehicle journey
show information
show the timetable connected to this vehicle journey
show specific stops
show the notes connected to the vehicle journey
copy/paste passing times
Add a vehicle journey
To create a new vehicle journey, you choose “Edit” then press the “+” at the bottom of the page, fill in the timetable grid and click on “Validate”.
If all the km / time data are entered in the corresponding journey pattern, it is possible to enter the departure time in the field provided for this purpose and the calculation of the timetables will be done automatically for all the timetables served. Otherwise, the schedules must be manually filled in for each stop served.
Duplicate a vehicle journey
You can duplicate a vehicle journey.
When duplicating a vehicle journey with all of its data, you can enter:
Desired departure time
The number of vehicle journeys to create
The interval between each new vehicle journey created from the duplicate one
Shift passing times
You can move the time of the selected vehicle journey forward or backward.
Thus all of the vehicle journey times (start, end and intermediate stops) will be modified according to the shift you have chosen.
Vehicle journey information
You can consult and modify the general information of your vehicle journey.
Only the information relating to it will be editable. Information belonging to the line associated with the vehicle journey, such as “Transport mode”, will not be editable in this form.
Here you can assign the vehicle journey a carrier, a code and an accessibility description from the referentials.
Add calendars
You can associate a timetable to the selected vehicle journey. Choose a calendar among those already existing.
To edit a timetable, refer to the section Timetables | Managing Timetables
Specific stops
Specific stops have a distinctive sign in the route.
In the edition of a vehicle journey, you can choose one of the stop areas linked to your Referent, to specify the passage of the vehicle journey.
Line notices
If you created a line notice for the line in your data set, you have the option to associate it with a vehicle journey.
You can view the Footnotes associated with the vehicle journey.
These notes can be:
footnotes managed in the Data set
line notices managed in the line referential and associated with the line of that vehicle journey
Line notices are distinguished to be recognizable by the user. You can click on the title of each Note to access the details.
You can :
Search for new notes by text (the first 10 notes with a matching title or text are displayed).
unlink one of the current notes
The business signature of the vehicle journey includes also:
the business signature of each footnote
the business identifier of each line notice
Copy/paste mode
You can make a selection of a part of timetable with help of timetable editor.
You can do it in 3 steps :
choosing the action “Select” on action bar of timetable editor
selecting one corner of needed data
expanding the selection
The selection is visible by fond colour in chosen times.
You can cancel your selection if you click on “Deselect” (it replace “Select” when a selection is active).
The accessible actions for selection are active as soon as selection is made :
You can copy/paste a selection of times in edition to make its modification in another application (Spreadsheet for example).
When you have made a selection of times in edition, the action “copy/paste” is available.
You can copy in clipboard the values of timetable. You access a special text space that contains the data to copy. You can use the copy function of your environment (Ctrl + C, Command + C, etc).
You can also copy the values in your external tool (such as Excel, LibreOffice or google Spreadsheet). You make Ctrl + Shift + V to paste the times in Excel or LibreOffice.
Once you validated in Chouette the copy operation was successful, you access a text space when you can make your modifications.
You can make the needed modifications in your external tool and then copy it in your clipboard the same selection of values (same number of columns, same number of lines).
Then you can paste in Chouette the modified values. As soon as you copied the values Chouette confirm (or not) the successful reception of values (that must respect the format transmitted at the beginning).
You confirm the operation by click on “Paste” and Chouette modify the selection of timetable with pasted values.
You can choose an action “Paste” directly if you already have the needed values that you want integrate.
The values of timetable are transmitted in TSV format (each value is separated from previous one by tabulation). For each passage, the value of times is present in the same order that the one of Chouette editor. If no one passage planned for a stop area, the character “-” replace the value of time. If the option “Show and edit the arrival time” is chosen, the arrival times are also presented in the values:
12:20 12:25 12:42 12:47 13:42 13:47 14:02 14:07 14:42 14:47
12:37 12:42 12:55 13:00 13:55 14:00 14:15 14:20 14:55 15:00
13:28 13:33 - - 14:48 14:53 15:28 15:32
13:42 13:47 14:04 14:09 15:04 15:09 15:24 15:29 16:04 16:09
This format is transmitted in clipboard in order to copy it in Chouette. It is the same format that is supported by Chouette when the values are pasted back to Chouette.