Schedule data inputting

Schedule data inputting

Main steps for inputting a transport offer

Creation of stops

To input data into Chouette, you must first create the stops in the stop area referential. 


Creation of lines

Then one or more lines must be created in the line referential 



Creation of a dataset

From here, a dataset can be created in the workbench. A dataset is a subset of transport offer.



You set the validity period(s) and choose the relevant line(s) for your offer.


Once the dataset is created, it is possible to create the routes, the timetables, the vehicle patterns and the associated vehicle journeys. 

Example of inputting an offer

To illustrate the manual inputting process, let's take the following example:


We create 3 stop areas ("Amargosa Valley", "North Avenue", "St Irving") with all the relevant information in the stop area referential.

Then we create a line that will serve these stop areas. 


Now let's create a dataset that will use this line over a period that we will set.


After submitting, the data set is displayed.  


Now we create the essential elements of this offer. 

By clicking on " Timetables " we will be able to create an application timetable.

By selecting the name of the line in the dataset, we can switch to the display of the line.


The list of routes is empty, so we will add a route on the 3 stops created.


After submitting, your route is displayed.  


Then we add a journey pattern to our route to indicate which stops will be served.


Last step, create a vehicle journey via the "Vehicle Journeys" button, fill in the schedule, and add the timetable to it.

Now the "Transport Offer" dataset contains the offer for the set period and can be used. 



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