


A contract describes the allocation of lines to a company.

A contract is defined by :

  • a name

  • an existing company

  • one or more lines

  • associated codes

Contracts are specific to each workbench.

Check the contracts

You can check your organisation's contracts in your ‘Workbench’.

For each contract: Name, Company, and associated Lines are displayed.

For each contract, a cogwheel is used to launch the available actions (show, edit, delete this contract).

Create a contract manually

To create a new contract manually, click on the ‘+Create a Contract’ button and fill in the form with the relevant information.

Once you have validated the form, you will be redirected to the contract record you have created.

Import contracts with a GTFS file

Contracts can be imported into Chouette (or updated) with a GTFS file in attributions.txt.


During import, the information entered in the GTFS and associated with the same company in Chouette will create/update a contract in your workbench. This contract will group together all the lines of the same company. The matching in the GTFS is made with agency_id, or company Chouette id.

Exporting contracts

The contracts linked to your offer will be exported in GTFS format in the file attribution.txt.


They will be described with the following attributes:

  • attribution_id which defines the dataset contract

  • trip_id which defines the route associated with the company to which the contract is allocated

  • route_id which defines the line attached to the company to which the contract is allocated

  • organization_name which defines the company to which the contract is allocated

  • is_operator which defines a company's ‘operator’ status

  • is_producer which defines a company's ‘producer’ status

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