Line Referential

Line Referential


A line includes one or several default public transport routes (usually, a round trip, defining a service for specific target, often described by a name or a commercial code, known to the passenger). In addition, a line is defined by its network, its company, and its “mode”. To function, a line depends on a journey pattern and a timetable which defines the dates of validity of the schedules and the effective days.

Consult the Lines

In order to work, a line depends on a mission and a timetable defining validity dates and effective days (example: mondays, tuesdays, thursdays, fridays from March to June 2016).

You can view the lines created in “Line Referential” of each Workgroup.

For each line, ID, Number, Name, Status, Network, Company, Transport mode, Transport sub-mode are displayed.

From the Line list, you can filter the content in different ways:

  • Their name

  • Network

  • Company

  • Transport mode

  • Status

Managing Lines

For each Line the star wheel of every line allows to launch the accessible actions (show, edit, show network, show company).

To create a new line you should fill in the template with all necessary information and to submit them.


In this block of the form, you can enter your line identification details.

You have to choose the Transport mode for your line. The list of following options is proposed:

  • Bus

  • Funicular

  • Metro


  • Rail

  • Tramway

The Transport mode “Bus” is chosen by default.

Each Transport mode has an associated list of Transport sub-mode, so you can specify the Sub-mode if you wish.


In this block of the form, you can define a line as a Referent, by selecting "Yes".

Any specific line can be associated with a referent line, which will be proposed in the dedicated block when you edit your line. This association is made in the form for each specific line.

When the user consults :

  • A line associated with a referent line, there is an access to that referent directly

  • A referent line, it’s possible to see all the associated lines in the "Specific lines" section (and access them directly)


You can associate your line to a network, main company and secondary companies.

Publication Data

In the Publication Data section, you can choose the colors for its future display and connect it to a web page. When displaying a dataset, the line number is displayed with the shape color as a background.


In General section, you can specify whether your line is seasonal, function on demand or PRM accessible.


In Internals section, you can load the line Provider by selecting it from the list.


In the Codes block, a public code or an external code can be added to the line if required.


At the creation the Line has Status “Activated” by default.

The Status “Activated”/”Deactivated” can be changed at creation and at edition of Stop area (by the closed list).

You can manage the activation of a Line according to these modes:

  • Active without date condition

  • Active only when the current date is after a date

  • Active only when the current date is before a date

  • Active only when the current date is between two dates

  • Disabled without date condition

The status can therefore vary according to the validity dates with, for example:

  • "Disabled since March 4, 2012"

  • “Disabled until March 31, 2024”

  • “Activated since March 4, 2012”

  • “Active until March 31, 2024”

  • “Activated from March 4, 2012 until March 31, 2024”

  • “Disabled since March 4, 2012” for a period ending on March 4, 2012

  • “Disabled until March 31, 2024” for a period that begins on March 31, 2024

By default, Chouette takes the current date into account to judge the activation of a line.

You can see the last person who edited the line next to the "Edit" button.

It is possible to add an additional block "Custom Fields" to the lines, through a service request to enRoute Support.

This block is used to add specific descriptive data on the lines in the form of a text, a list, a number or an attachment.


A network can group several lines, for example, by defined geographic area, managed by one or several carriers.

You can view the networks created by your organization in “Line Referential” - ”Networks”.

For each Network, ID and Name are displayed.

For each Network the star wheel of every network allows to launch the accessible actions (see, edit this network, remove this network).

To create a new network you should fill in the template with all necessary information and to submit it.


A company, either private or public, transport people from one place to another.

You can view the companies created by your organization in “Line Referential” - ”Companies”.

For each company, ID and Name are displayed.

For each Company the star wheel of every company allows to launch the accessible actions (see, edit this company, remove this company).

To create a new company you should click on the "Add a new company" button, fill in the identification form with all the necessary information and submit it.

To identify your new company, you can assign it a Short name, a code and a Registration number.

You can create a Referent company for one or more other companies. Any company can be associated to a reference company, which will be proposed in the dedicated block when you edit your company.

Also, you can define an imported company as a Referent for one or more other companies.

In the "Address" block, you can enter a complete postal address for the company.

You have the "Default contact" block to enter the company communication information, associate a web page, etc.

Address attributes are optional. When editing, only the default contact is displayed.

In the general part of the form, you can set a Time Zone to your carrier.

At the end of the form you have the possibility to add a Private Contact and a Customer Service Contact.

Line notices

For business uses, you can create Line Notes, which will contain all the information you want to specify on a line.

The list of notes is available from the Lines repository.

You can create a new note in the “Line Notices” menu by clicking on “+ New Line Notice”.

You can also create a Line Notice that will be directly associated with a line, from the page of the desired line.

On the same page, you can associate to your line an existing notice from the list of line notices with help of the button “Append a new line notice”.

After a selection and a creation, you are redirected to the list of line notices.

You can view line notices associated with a line.

For each associated line notice, the user has:

  • the title

  • the first characters of the text

  • the associated lines or their number if the list is too long

You can filter the row notes by a character string present in the title or text of the notice.

The star wheel of each row of the table allows you to:

  • see the line notice

  • remove the notice from this line (with a confirmation)

You can select from the existing Line Notices which ones should be associated with the Line. Only line notices not yet associated with the line are presented to the user.

Line routing constraint zones

A Routing constraint zone (RCZ) is the ban on a road or rail service from picking up and leaving the same passenger within a certain urban transport perimeter. An RCZ can be configured:

  • on the line level

  • on the Route level in a dataset

A Line Routing constraint zone (RCZ) allows you to describe, in the line referential on a chosen line, that passenger can “never” get on at stop A and get off at stop B and vice versa, whatever the route is.

When you edit a Line Routing constraint zone, the ban will apply to all the vehicle journeys attached to this line regardless of the dataset, route, mission and calendars to which these vehicle journeys are associated. Thus, as long as this line RCZ exists, the ban will apply.

You can access the list of RCZs from the Line referential page.

For each line, you have the option of defining a Routing constraint zone.

The star wheel of each row of the table allows you to view or edit your RCZs.

To create a RCZ, click on “+ Add a Line Routing constraint zone”.

While editing your RCZ, you can associated it with:

  • one or more lines from the line referential

  • one or more stops from the stop area referential

The ban on getting on and off will be applied to all stops for each line.


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