Produits SaaS enRoute
enRoute provides SaaS solutions for public transit data management.
enRoute operates two SaaS platforms :
Chouette SaaS for schedule public transit data : NeTEx, GTFS, Neptune …
Ara Saas for real time public transit data : SIRI, GTFS-RT …
For those providing services based on mobility data :
Public transport agencies,
Transport operators,
Developers of mobile applications,
Platforms for trips booking, car-pooling, flexible transport…,
Providers of MaaS platforms …
Visit our website for more information:
Use case for large regions with Chouette SaaS
Use case for large urban areas : coupling of Chouette SaaS and Ara SaaS
What’s new ?
Our SaaS platforms are updated each 3 weeks. You can follow our with each changelog.
What’s next ?
We’re publishing our for each quarter.