


A route, also called sequence of stop areas, is defined as the group of stop points forming a line’s full route. Several routes can describe the different courses of a line.

Consult the Routes

You can view the list of Routes of a line in “Workbench”, going to the Dataset list of your organization. You open a Dataset and click on Line name, the Dataset will display the general information of the line and the list of Routes.

For each Route, ID, Name, Published name, Direction, Stop area departure, Stop area arrival, Nb Stop areas, Journey patterns, are displayed.

You can open a route page by clicking on its name.

Managing Routes

For each Route, the star wheel allows you to launch the available actions (see, edit, see the journey patterns, see the vehicle journeys, clone route, create opposite route, remove).

You can create a new route on the same page with “Add a route”.

During the creation, you have the option of indicating an Reversed route.

Creating the route consists of adding the stop areas you want to include in your route. Next to each stop you have some actions available to facilitate the creation of the route. You can view location information.

You can regulate the boarding and alighting of passengers for each stop area.

With the arrows you can change the stop’s order.

The pencil allows you to choose another stop area from the list.

The trash icon allows you to remove a stop from the route.

If dataset has the status “archived” the creation of a route is not allowed.

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