Roadmap 2020 Q4
Release Planning
Oct 16, 2020 Sprint 48
Nov 6, 2020 Sprint 49
Nov 27, 2020 Sprint 50
Dec 18, 2020 Sprint 51
Jan 8, 2021 Sprint 52
- 1 Release Planning
- 2 Chouette
- 2.1 New Merge algorithm by default
- 2.2 Import Shapes from a Shapefile file
- 2.3 Automatic shape association operation (without interactive phase)
- 2.4 Define the maximum data age in the Workgroup
- 2.5 Clean older data after each merge
- 2.6 Stop Area Public Code
- 2.7 Search lines by transport mode and/or company in the GraphQL API
- 2.8 Enable email notification in the import API
- 2.9 Archive automatically datasets after a failing import
- 3 Ara
New Merge algorithm by default
This new merge algorithm is available as experimental method since the Sprint 44 | Merge refactoring to provide the same feature with performance improvements.
This new merge algorithm will become the default one for all Chouette users. During the first Q4 Sprints, we’re completing the QA validation steps.
Import Shapes from a Shapefile file
The user can import shapes by using a Shapefile (a ZIP file containing shp, dbf, … files). Each Record present into the file is used to create/update a Shape.
The user provides an attribute name to be used as code. This attribute must provide a unique value for each record in the file.
Chouette associates the geometry Shapefile with the Chouette Shape via the attribute selected as identifier and the Chouette “external” code (in the scope of the Shape Provider).
The import tries to find a Shape with:
the same Shape Provider than the import
an “external” code with the attribute value
If a such Shape is found, the Shape will be updated. Otherwise, the Shape is created.
About the support of Shapes in Chouette, see Feature Plan - Shapesarchived
Automatic shape association operation (without interactive phase)
The user can start an automatic shape association operation in a (in edition) data set.
Chouette performs an automatic search of the best candidate shape for each Journey Pattern in the data set.
To match Shapes and Journey Patterns, Chouette uses the following methods:
reference matching (to follow sticky associations)
code matching: the Journey Pattern code matches (even partially) the Shape code
In a first step, the operation displays all Shape candidate associations.
When the operation is confirmed by the user, the Journey Patterns are modified and associated to the selected Shape.
About the support of Shapes in Chouette, see Feature Plan - Shapesarchived
Define the maximum data age in the Workgroup
The authorized user can define (into an owned Workgroup) the maximum age of data kept into the merged data of each Workbench.
The user can defined:
if the purge is enabled
the maximum days before the data must be purged
Clean older data after each merge
When the purge of merged data is enabled into the Workgroup, at the end of each Merge, Chouette should clean the new merged data according to the maximum data age.
A TimeTable age is the number of days between the last operating date and the current date.
After a merge on June 1st:
with a maximum age of 1 day, a TimeTable with a last date on 31 may is purged
with a maximum age of 10 days, a TimeTable with a last date on 22 may is purged
Stop Area Public Code
The user can be defined in a Stop Area a public code, used to identify the Stop Area to the public as an (short) alternative to a name, like “12” ou “L” for a platform in a train station.
This Chouette attribute is associated to:
the GTFS Stop
attributethe NeTEx Stop
The GTFS import/export and NeTEx exports will be process these associated attributes.
Search lines by transport mode and/or company in the GraphQL API
The user can restrict the lines returned into the GraphQL API by using:
the expected transport mode (“bus”, “metro”, “train”, etc)
lines(transportMode: "bus") {
nodes {
the expected company (by using its objectid):
lines(company: "chouette:Company:eb6dca44-5fd9-4d9b-8364-1f57041a1d57:LOC") {
nodes {
or the both attributes:
lines(transportMode: "bus", company: "chouette:Company:eb6dca44-5fd9-4d9b-8364-1f57041a1d57:LOC") {
nodes {
Enable email notification in the import API
The user can setup the notification target of imports created via the Chouette Import API (as the user can do in the user interface).
The import option notification_target
can take two values:
: (default) to not send a email notification at the end of the import operationworkbench
: to send email notification to the Workbench users
curl '' \
--form 'workbench_import[name]=With Notifications' \
--form 'workbench_import[file]' \
--form 'workbench_import[options][notification_target]=workbench'
Like when the user selects this option in the user interface, the notification recipients are displayed in the import details:
Archive automatically datasets after a failing import
The user can setup a Chouette import to archive automatically imported datasets if the import fails.
An import with this option “Automatic Archive on failure” will archive all imported data sets if the import fails.
This option is useful to perform automatic imports from the Chouette Import API. The user can use both the options “Automatic Archive on failure” (automatic_archive
in the API) and “Automatic Merge on success” (automatic_merge
). If the import is successful, the dataset(s) will merged. If the import is failed, the dataset(s) will be archived. When a fixed version of file(s) is ready, the user can create a new import by invoking the Chouette Import API.
User Web interface
The Ara SaaS users will be able to:
manage their own Organisation and invite other users
administrate their Ara realtime referentials
create and manage Partners, use to collect and broadcast realtime data in each referential
Historisation support
Ara can create and store events according to the real time activities. Ara SaaS users will be able to access to a historisation dashboard via the new user web interface.
The first feature available in the reworked historisation support is all messages exchanged with partners.
The user can retrieve any message exchanged in the past with a Partner:
requests and responses send by Partners to Ara
requests and responses send by Ara to Partners
all protocols are supported: SIRI / SIRI Lite / GTFS-RT