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Workgroup gathers several organizations, with their Workbenches, stop areas and lines.
You can have several Workgroups. Each workgroup will include organizations, and have its Workbenches, stop areas and lines separated from those of other workgroups.
Consult the Workgroups
You can see the list of workgroups your organization participates in.
For each Workgroup, its name, the organization owner and the number of workbenches acting together inside of Workgroup, are displayed.
From the Workgroup’s list, you can filter the content in different ways:
organization owner of workgroup
number of workbenches acting together inside of Workgroup
date of creation and last modification of workgroup
Managing the Workgroups
Authorized user can create (and modify) a Workgroup in “Workgoups” at the bottom of the menu .
The following information can be modified:
name of workgroup
You have to press “Create a new Workgroup” button and enter the name.
After validation, a new Workgroup is created with its dedicated Workspace which appears in the menu.
Authorized user can change the Workgroup name at any time.
Authorized user can also delete a workgroupWorkgroup. Then the group is marked as “deleted”. The access to workgroup Workgroup becomes impossible (data sets, operations, etc).
You can make a rollback untill the workgroup is not deleted by Chouette (practically at night).
Workgroup’s Imports and Exports
The members of workgroup Workgroup owners have the possibility to see all the imports and exports made inside the workgroup in “Workgroup” - “Imports”/”Exports”.
It includes also the imports and exports made in others workbenches.
This feature allows to members of workgroup to have more visibility on the work process of their partners.
It is accessible from menu “Workgroup” - “Imports”.
Workgroup Compliance check sets
The members of workgroup Workgroup owners have the possibility to see all the validations made inside the workgroup. It includes also the validations made in others workbenches.
You can see all the controls launched by your workgroup from menu “Workgroup” - “Compliance check sets”.
For each report, Reference number, Time of creation, Status, Associated object, Context, Compliance control set, are displayed.
The controls can be filtered by:
control report name
time of creation
Workgroup settings
Controls settings (settings of workgroup validation)
In Settings you can define the control sets of you data set validation for each workgroup.
When the settings are validated, a notification “Workbench is updating” appeartsappears.
Aggregation settings
Aggregation group the merged data sets of all the workbenches of workgroup.
You can see the list of aggregated data in “Current offers” - “Workgroup offers”.
For each aggregated data the star wheel of every data allows to launch the accessible actions (see, rollback).
Aggregate Data Set
You can launch a Data Set Aggregation in “Current offers” - “Workgroup offers” if you click on “Aggregate data set”.
Workgroup Aggregation settings
Authorized user can modify the configuration of his workgroup not to let the data aggregation in selected workbench, see the last merged data, but the selected one.
It allows to the workgroup owner to prevent a failure of one of the group team.
A special validation can be set to make a merged data respect the desired rules.
Automatical aggregation of merged data set containing an urgent data
For each Workgroup, Chouette checks every 15 minutes weather one of merged data set proposed by one of the workbenches contains an urgent offer that is not aggregated still.
Chouette conserves the last 10 aggregated offers. The cleaning is made after every successful aggregation. The mechanism is the same as for the cleaning of merged data sets.
Missing offer detection
Workgroup owner can define two settings conserning the analyse of offer presence:
number of days without offer that caracterize a missing
period (variable) that launch sending of automatical notifications
Displaying of offer meta data makes appear the data of offer circulations, tagging in red the days where no offer presents on the line.
Automatic notifications in case of future missing offer detection
When an offer missing according to settings of workgroup (duration, distance) is detected in merged data, the notification is sent to users of workbench associated.
Once a missing offer attempts the indicated duration and it starts in less time than the notification period, a notification is launched. It is ordered by notification settings of the workbench.
This analyse is made after the data merge. It is launched automatically every day to verify the current data merge.