Collect via Pseudo SIRI

Collect via Pseudo SIRI

SIRI Request

A SIRI Request is simply an HTTP POST request with an XML body:

For example:

$ curl -d@- -s -X POST https://ara-api.enroute.mobi/bibus/siri <<EOF <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <!-- Type de requete --> <sw:CheckStatus xmlns:sw="http://wsdl.siri.org.uk" xmlns:siri="http://www.siri.org.uk/siri"> <Request> <siri:RequestTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:30.000Z</siri:RequestTimestamp> <siri:RequestorRef>opendata</siri:RequestorRef> <siri:MessageIdentifier>1</siri:MessageIdentifier> </Request> <RequestExtension /> </sw:CheckStatus> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> EOF

Check Status

Allows Ara:

  • to check the communication with the SIRI Pseudo Server

  • to check the SIRI Pseudo Server operating status

  • for more complex use case, to detect a reboot of SIRI Server (via ServiceStartedTime)


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <sw:CheckStatus xmlns:sw="http://wsdl.siri.org.uk" xmlns:siri="http://www.siri.org.uk/siri"> <Request> <siri:RequestTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:30.000Z</siri:RequestTimestamp> <siri:RequestorRef>Ara</siri:RequestorRef> <!-- Valeur paramétrée dans Ara --> <siri:MessageIdentifier>6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-2-00c04fd430c8</siri:MessageIdentifier> </Request> <RequestExtension/> </sw:CheckStatus> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>


Important elements:

  • Status: true (can be false in case of problem)

  • ServiceStartedTime: Should be the time of the latest data reload. Most of SIRI server reload daily to manage only one-day real-time data. if you need to craft a time, use the current day at midnight

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <S:Body> <sw:CheckStatusResponse xmlns:sw="http://wsdl.siri.org.uk" xmlns:siri="http://www.siri.org.uk/siri"> <CheckStatusAnswerInfo> <siri:ResponseTimestamp>2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z</siri:ResponseTimestamp> <siri:ProducerRef>DKBUS</siri:ProducerRef> <siri:ResponseMessageIdentifier>4df001d4-f2fa-11ed-839a-9b941adcadcc</siri:ResponseMessageIdentifier> <siri:RequestMessageRef>6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-2-00c04fd430c8</siri:RequestMessageRef> </CheckStatusAnswerInfo> <Answer> <siri:Status>true</siri:Status> <!-- Peut-être false en cas de problème --> <siri:ServiceStartedTime>2017-01-01T04:05:00.000+01:00</siri:ServiceStartedTime> <!-- Heure de rédemarrage du SAE --> </Answer> <AnswerExtension /> </sw:CheckStatusResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>

Stop Points Discovery

Available soon

Stop Monitoring

Available soon


Vehicle Monitoring

Available soon


Situation Exchange

It allows Ara to know about current situations, especially associated to line(s) or stop(s). Ara will periodically send a global request.

More details about SIRI Situations:


By default, Ara requests all defined situations:

Important elements, for each Situation:

  • CreationTime: Creation time of the Situation

  • SituationNumber: Situation identifier

  • VersionedAtTime: Update time of the Situation (must be changed when the Situation is updated)

  • Progress: Status of the Perturbation (mainly open or closed)

  • ValidityPeriod: Period during which the disturbance has impact

  • Summary: Summary or title

  • Description: Text description

  • Affects: list the network parts affected by/associated with this Situation

    • at least a Stop or a Line must be associated

    • StopPointRef: associated Stop identifiers

    • LineRef: associated Line identifiers

  • AlertCause: Situation cause (optional)

    • unknown

    • congestion

    • technicalProblem

    • vehicleFailure

    • serviceDisruption

    • etc. (all other valid SIRI values are accepted)

  • Severity: Situation severity (optional), among these values:

    • slight

    • normal 

    • severe

  • ReportType: (optional)

    • incident: for a disruption

    • general: for a commercial message

Facility Monitoring FUTURE

It allows Ara to know the real-time status of facilities (for example: station equipments like lifts, escalators, etc.). Ara sent periodically a request per facility.


Each request contains a FacilityRef with the Facility identifier:


The Response gives the Status of the requested Facility:

Much other information can be returned in this response, but only mandatory attributes are described.