Organization and users


You can access Chouette SaaS platform by the site Chouette SaaS is a web application, so it can be used from any post connected to the Internet.


On the homepage of Chouette SaaS you are able to choose the language, sing up, sing in, consult the product page, enRoute site or contact client support.

Accept an invitation

When you are invited by someone to subscribe on Chouette SaaS, you receive an email with a link that allows you to finalize the creation of your account.

In order to finalize the creation you have to set a password for Chouette and confirm it. The account can’t be used until the invitation is accepted.


Chouette has a limit term of one hour without activity for user session. After this interval you have to sign in again.


The user has to confirm his action when he sing out of application.

Process of password reset

When you are not connected to the application, you can do a password reset.

You have to indicate the email of your account Chouette. It is notified if the indicated email is not found.


An authorized user can launch the password reset for another user of his organization. In the both cases the user receives the following email:

Following the reset link, you are redirected to an interface allowing you to set and confirm a new password.


Managing users

You can see the users of your organization from the principal menu in “My organization”.

For each user, name, email, profile and state of account are displayed.

Users can be filtered by :

  • name or email

  • profile

  • account state

For each user the star wheel of every line allows to launch the accessible actions (see, edit, lock, reset password, remove user).

There are 3 types of account :

  • Administrator: include all permissions, particularly edition of data and other user’s rights

  • Editor: include all standard permissions to manage transport offer in Chouette

  • Visitor: allows to consult the application, without possible data edition

When user doesn't have relevant to his profile permissions, the type of profile is set on “Custom”. In that case it is impossible to modify the user’s profile.

  • User account can have the following states :

  • Invited

  • Waiting

  • Confirmed

  • Locked

For each user, you can see the details of another user account. When you click on a user in the list, the user’s page with general information is displayed.

Invite a new user in your Organization

An authorized user can invite a new user in organization indicating :

  • the full name of user

  • his email

  • his profile


The password is not defined at that moment. The invited user receives an invitation on email. The created account has the state “Invited”. As long as the account state is “Invited” the authorized user can resend the invitation to the invited user. Once the account activated its state changes to “Confirmed”.

Modify another user

Administrator can edit the profile of other users in his organization.

The following information can be modified :

  • full name of user

  • profile

Email can’t be modified. You must have the permission users.update to be able to modify another user.

Lock/unlock user

The authorized user can lock account of another user of organization.

When the action is selected, the validation is required.

The locked user still appears in the user’s list of organization but with state “Locked”. Locked user can’t access Chouette interface any more. If he tries to connect after his account was locked, the interface display the following message:

“Your account was deactivated. Thanks for contacting the administrators of your organization for more information”

If the user is connected during the lock manipulation, his session will be automatically closed.

The authorized user can also unlock account of another user.

Reset another user’s password

The authorized user can launch the procedure of password reset for another user of his organization.

This reset is possible if the state of user’s account is “Confirmed”. When the action is selected, the confirmation request has to be validated by user.

Then, the procedure is the same as if the user had required himself to reset his password.


When you are logged in you are redirected to the page “Dashboard”.

The section “Dashboard” provides a view and quick access to the general objects of work process:

  • last merged offers

  • last transport offers

  • last imports

  • stop areas

  • lines

  • companies

  • networks

Main menu

You can navigate on Chouette resources with help of the main menu on the left side of the screen.

This menu includes:

  • Workbench section with referentials and settings

  • Workgroup section with settings

  • Deshboard

  • Explore section, that gives access to each Workgroup that your organization collaborate with

  • Administrate section, that gives access to administrate the workgroups and users

If your organization has the access to the only one workgroup, its name is masked from the main menu.

On the top right side of the screen you have an administration menu that shows your full name, name of your organization, you email address, let you choose the interface language and to disconnect. Nearby this menu you have an icon of client support that provides you the access to the support center.

You are informed about the status of operations (import, export, etc) by notifications on the top of the work page.