All our SaaS products are about to be updated with the releases associated to this Sprint 123.
Associate a Flexible Line to a Booking Arrangement
The user can edit a Line and define:
a Flexible Line Type in Corridor Service, Main Route With Flexible Ends, Flexible Areas Only, Hail And Ride Sections, Fixed Stop Area Wide, Free Area Wide, Mixed Flexible, Mixed Flexible And Fixed, Fixed, Other
a Booking Arrangement in Booking Arrangements defined in the Workgroup
These two attributes are optional.
Import GTFS pickup/drop off not available as Route Stop Point alighting/boarding forbidden
When GTFS Stop Times are defined with pickup_type
or/and drop_off_type
equals to 1, it will create a Route with For Boarding / For Alighting at false
on Stop Point.
Control travel time
This control will check if at least one journey exists in a dataset respecting these criteria :
a departure
a destination
departure time
maximum travel duration
Chouette launches many itineraries research from departure and destination every day of the dataset validity period to find if one solution exists. User will be notified if no solution is found for each day.
Our itinerary research can use :
vehicle journeys inside dataset
walking between 2 stop areas
Edit Situation with translations
The user can edit a Situation and specify language associated to translated attributes (like Summary and Description). By default, the Situation and Description have no associated language.
The user can associate (for the moment) none or 4 languages:
The Situation can’t be defined with twice the same language in the same attribute.
Improve Situations & General Messages broadcast period
In progress…
In progress…
Update of English version