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Aggregation is used to consolidate all valid completed offers from all Workbenches into a single workgroup offer. It can be used by external partners, companies or others, if you define Publications.
Consult the aggregation list
You can consult the list of Aggregations by selecting in the menu “Current offers”-> “Workgroup offers”.
For each aggregation, Status, Name, Date and time of creation, Duration, Operator, are displayed.
Manual Aggregation
If modifications have been made to your line or stop areas referential, launching an aggregation manually will allow you to quickly take these modifications into account.
All of the merged offers of the workgroup organizations that are going to be aggregated are displayed in the “Organization” list.
Automatic Aggregation
If you want your offer to be updated daily, in the “Settings” menu you can activate automatic aggregation by specifying:
If you want to update your data without waiting for the automatic aggregation to take place, you can aggregate the offer manually whenever you want.
Selection of merged offers and prioritization
The authorized user can modify the configuration of his workgroup so that the aggregation of data takes into account for a given workbenches a specific merged offer.
If one of the merged offers turns out to be incorrect for a data producer, the owner of a workgroup can thus decide to revert to an older valid version. The work of the other teams can therefore continue without the entire chain being impacted.
The authorized user can also decide that an offer has a higher priority than another one (1 being the highest priority). Data merged for a Workbench with a higher priority will overwrite data from other Workbenches with a lower priority.
Urgent offer
For each Workgroup, Chouette checks every 15 minutes if one of the current offers proposed by one of the Workbenches contains an urgent offer that has not yet been aggregated. If so, an aggregation is initiated.
A current offer is eligible if it contains urgent data set that has been merged since the last aggregation (or since the last feedback on a previous aggregated offer).
Rollback to the previous aggregation
To undo the aggregation that has already been executed, there is a rollback function available in the list of actions on previous aggregation. Just click on the star wheel of one of the previous aggregation and click on “Rollback”.