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The "Publication" function is used to publicly share all of your data in GTFS or NeTEx format with your partners.
Authorized user and member of organization Workgroup owner can manage the publications of data, publications are made automatically.
Managing publications
Several publications can be defined in Workgroup. Each of it defining an export and the destinations to give to exported data.
You can add and delete the destinations.
Export settings
Chouette proposes different kinds of export.
GTFS export:
During the export, a zip is created containing the following .txt files:
Referent stop areas. You can indicate whether or not you prefer the use of reference stop areas for your export. With this option, the GTFS export will use Referent stop areas (if any) instead of custom stop areas.
Consideration of Monomodal stop places with a Single Quay. With this option, you can choose to ignore Multimodal Stop Places that contain only one Quay.
publish per line
NeTEx Generic export:
NeTEx (Network Exchange) is a reference format for exchanging theoretical public transport supply data, defined at European level.
Publish per Line. This action allows you to create, during the export, an XML file for each line.
Ara export:
If you feed Ara from data registered in Chouette, you can select the Ara export type. During the export, a csv file is created containing the different attributes of your export. In the csv file, each line corresponds to the information of an attribute:
The exported lines. You can choose to export the lines according to the line provider, the company or according to a list of lines that you define.
Publication destination
A Data Publication including a full export can include different types of publication destination. The export is sent to the destination(s) you set.
Destination type API Publication
You can configure that your publication has an API as destination.
The same API can be supplied by several Publications. The (current) constraint is that each Publication must use a different export format.
Destination type Email notification
You can choose an email destination for your publication.
put the export file in attachment
include a link to API
choose the recipients of this email
write the email text
Destination type Ara SaaS
The Ara SaaS destination type configures your publication as a destination for an Ara repository.
To do this, you must enter the URL of the desired destination Referential and the Identification Token.
Destination type Google Cloud Storage
Users can choose the Google Cloud Storage type of destination for your publication.
You must enter the project, the bucket and the secret key for your Google Cloud Storage space. The published file will then be automatically sent to the bucket.
Destination type SFTP
The user can choose SFTP destination for your publication.
For this type of destination, you must enter :
Host with server URL
Directory where the published file will be sent
server's secret key
Consulting a publication
Authorized user and member of organization Workgroup owner can see the publications defined with its details.
No information concerning the passwords or private tokens is available or accessible on this page.
Publication report
For each Publication Chouette creates a report. It consists of :
destination name
destination type
state of submission to this Destination
date of beginning and end of submission to this Destination
Managing the Publication APIs
Authorized user and member of organization Workgroup owner can see the Publication APIs that are defined in Workgroup.
Access tokens can be communicated to third persons to give them access to all published data with help of API. As soon as the token is deleted, the access is impossible. You can communicate the different tokens to each third person and manage the access rights.
Access to the public page of your Publication API
As soon as you create a publishing API (public or private), you can send your data consumers a public page describing all the resources you make available to them.
Data access of the Publication API
For each Publication using a full export and having a Publication API as destination, it gives access to the data of the export by making the exported file available on a URL of the form: /api/v1/datas/<name short>.<format>.zip
When a Publication makes data available, the data on API is updated, but the URL remains unchanged.
In the case of a public publication API, any consumer can access the published data.
In the case of a private publication API, it is accessible only if the consultation request uses one of the keys associated with the Publication API. The key token must be included in an HTTP header of the form Authorization: Token token=<token>.