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Your transport offer contains fare-related information that can be managed in Chouette. Users can manage their Fare Referential at Workgroup level.
Fare zones
A fare zone defines a perimeter within the offer subject to a given tariff class.
View fare zones
You can view the list of existing fare zones in the "Fare Referential" of each Workgroup.
For each zone, ID, Name and fare provider, are displayed.
Manage fare zones
For each fare zone the star wheel of every line allows to launch the available actions (show, edit, delete).
Once the form has been validated, you are redirected to a page summarizing summarising the fare zone just created.
Fare zones can also be imported into Chouette with their geographical references in NeTEx format.
Fare providers
A fare provider is an entity or source that provides fare information in the transport offer. In Chouette, you can identify fare suppliersproviders. This makes it easier to manage your fare zones in the referential. In this case, a workbench can have several fare providers. And each fare zone can have a specific fare provider.
Fare provider management
You can view the fare providers in the “Fare referential”:
For each fare zoneprovider, the IDname, short name and Workbench are displayed.
The star wheel allows you to display or edit the selected rate provider.
To create a new rate fare provider, click on the “Create rate a fare provider” button and fill in the form:
After validatingvalidation, you are redirected to the page summarizing summarising the fare provider you just created.