A partner monitor allows you to create an alert to detect exchange partners that are unavailable for longer than an expected duration.
Consult the monitors
You can consult the list of monitors created by your organization in your referential, then "Monitors":
For each monitor created, you have :
The status of the exchange partner
The date of creation of the monitor
The recipients of the alert
The name given to the monitor
The description of the monitor
The gear wheel allows you to access the options :
Creating a monitor
To add a monitor, click on the "Create a monitor" button and complete the edit form.
In the section "Alert Condition", you select the exchange partner and you define the duration of unavailability of the partner after which an alert will be sent.
After validation, a summary sheet of your monitor is created:
At each change of status of the monitor and when the alert condition is respected, an email will be sent to the recipients of the alert.
2 types of emails will be sent:
An alert email in the case where the monitor is in Alert status
A recovery email in case the monitor is in OK status again