
A line includes one or several default routes (usually, a round trip; it defines a service for specific target, often described by a name or a commercial code). In addition, a line is defined by its network, its company, and its “mode”.

Consult the Lines

In order to work, a line depends on a mission and a timetable defining validity dates and effective days (example: mondays, tuesdays, thursdays, fridays from March to June 2016).

You can see the lines created in “Line Referential” of each Workgroup.

For each line, ID, Number, Name, Status, Network, Company, Transport mode, Transport sub-mode are displayed.

From the Line list, you can filter the content in different ways:

Managing Lines

For each Line the star wheel of every line allows to launch the accessible actions (show, edit, show network, show company).

To create a new line you should fill in the template with all necessary information and to submit them.

You have to choose the Transport mode for your line. The list of following options is proposed:

The Transport mode “Bus” is chosen by default.

Each Transport mode has an associated list of Transport sub-mode, so you can specify the Sub-mode if you wish.

You can associate your line to a network, main company and secondary companies.

In the Publication Data section, you can choose the colors for its future display and connect it to a web page.

In General section you can specify whether your line is seasonal, function on demand or PRM accessible.

At the creation the Line has Status “Activated” by default.

The Status “Activated”/”Deactivated” can be changed at creation and at edition of Stop area (by the closed list).


A network can group several lines, for example, by defined geographic area, managed by one or several carriers.

You can see the networks created by your organization in “Line Referential” - ”Networks”.

For each Network, ID and Name are displayed.

For each Network the star wheel of every network allows to launch the accessible actions (see, edit this network, remove this network).

To create a new network you should fill in the template with all necessary information and to submit it.


A company, either private or public, transport people from one place to another.

You can see the companies created by your organization in “Line Referential” - ”Companies”.

For each company, ID and Name are displayed.

For each Company the star wheel of every company allows to launch the accessible actions (see, edit this company, remove this company).

To create a new company you should fill in the template with all necessary information and to submit it.