
Export allows you to extract files from database within several formats (GTFS, NeTEx, Ara).

Consult the Exports

You can see the exports made by your organization in “Workbench” - “Exports”.

For each export, Status, Name, Export type, Referential, Beginning, Creator, are displayed.

You can filter the exports by:

For each export the star wheel of every export allows to launch the accessible actions (see, download).

Launch an export

To export the data from Chouette, you need to click on “New export” and fill in the template.

When the export is finished you can download the file.

You receive a notification by email after the export is finished.

Delete an export

Chouette conserves the file of each export. This conservation is limited in time. After a definable period the exports stay accessible in interface but their file is not available.

This cleaning is made after each export on the imports of the same workbench.

Delete the oldest exports

Chouette conserves the file of each export. This conservation is limited in time. After N days (definable on Chouette server) the exports are not available in the interface any more.

This cleaning is made after each export on the imports of the same workbench.