All our products have been updated on with the releases associated to this Sprint 66.


Duplicate a Journey Pattern

The user can duplicate a Journey Pattern:

The new Journey Pattern will be created with:

Export Routing Constraint Zones in NeTEx

Each Routing Constraint Zone defines in the Chouette dataset is exported as a RoutingConstraintZone NeTEx resource:

In the NeTEx file, the RoutingConstraintZone NeTEx resource should look like:

<RoutingConstraintZone version="any" 
   created="2014-12-29T03:12:51.0Z" changed="2016-08-05T10:08:59.0Z"
   id="chouette:RoutingContraintZone:8562b7db-13c7-4eba-b169-b70035ceb60d:LOC" >
  <Name>RoutingConstraintZone Example</Name>
    <LineRef ref="chouette:Line:aeee0047-4a54-47b2-955c-3e8156623092:LOC"/>

According to the selected NeTEx profile, the RoutingConstraintZone NeTEx resources are exported in various place into the NeTEx frames.


Search Exchanges

The user can search among all the exchanges historized by Ara SaaS APIs:

The user can search exchanges by specifying:

The Exchanges are displayed as a paginated list with: